It's time for Turbine to introduce a reincarnation heart that allows a character to change race. The functionality would be identical to a Lesser Reincarnation heart, with the addition of allowing a player to change the race of the character.
It's time for Turbine to introduce a reincarnation heart that allows a character to change race. The functionality would be identical to a Lesser Reincarnation heart, with the addition of allowing a player to change the race of the character.
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
This would be great!
The only issue I can see is that some race/class combos are easier to level at certain level ranges. I don't see this as a good reason not to have the ability to change races. Changing your race is less drastic than changing 5 levels of classes.