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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default What are channels?

    I keep hearing about these things called "channels" and how a large fraction of questing groups are put together through them. How do I get into them? I have been depending on the LFM window, but lately the number of LFM's posted is decreased.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  2. #2
    Community Member Fejj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Every server has channels. They are essentally chat windows. You join by typing in gerneral chat "/joinchannel namepassword"

    So for example, if the channel was "cannith trade" and the password was "trade" you would type ---- /joinchannel cannithtradetrade

    If NO password, then just --- /joinchannel canntihtrade

    It then sets your new cannel to a userchat default. You only have 4 userchat options. Userchat1, Userchat2 .... you get the idea.

    Cannels are used for several different purposes.
    TR Leveling
    Role Playing

    When people type in the channel, they show up as Userchat1 and so on.

    Also, some are exclusive. You need to be in the know to get the username and passord.

    My advice, ask your friends, guildies, raid partners if they are part of any.

    There are also public channels on each server. Just check your server forums.

    The basic rules, are NO DRAMA, and no mindless chatter. Channels are for specific purposes, expect to get squelshed if you don't follow the pack.

    Hope that was helpfull.

  3. #3
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    They're one of four semi-private chat channels that you can have. Some large guilds use a channel for their friends and allies. There are also some invite-only channels, usually geared toward TR/zerging or finding more experienced epic runners. This and this are Sarlona examples.

    Someone creates a channel, optionally with a password. Then each person that wants to be part of it uses the /joinchannel command to get access to it.

    You use the /1 /2 /3 or /4 commands to send text to the channel, or you can create a window and set the output mode to UserChat[1-4].

  4. #4
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    There's some public channels, but most are made for some specific purpose like inter-guild use, language, etc.

    For the most part you only need those that your friends use but the ones you seem to be looking for are those for quest grouping.
    An example of this would be the abbot channel, which is actually useful since it's a raid hard to fill.
    To find others try asking around in the areas that the quest is run, like necropolis for abbot, meridia for shroud, etc.

    Note that a channel like abbot might be empty most of the time except on the days the raid is run.
    You get a display of online players on the channel when you log or join.

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