Episode 242 is ready! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week Sig and Anne talk about the latest patch, Update 12 Patch 1. We also have your regular goodies: DDO news from both Turbine and the community. And Skaggy's got another great Poem for us!
This episode's Music is NATURAL 20s by DUAL CORE from their 2009 album, NEXT LEVEL. Nerdcore specialists DUAL CORE, the duo made up of a programmer from Cincinnati, Ohio, known as Int Eighty, and a graphic designer from Manchester, England, dubbed C64. Their album themes are all geek and in the the musical styling of hip hop and rap. If you like what you hear, you can learn more about DUAL CORE and purchase their music at http://dualcoremusic.com/
Seeking DDO and D&D Holday Poems & Music!
Is your inner artist about to burst? Release and share! We'd love to hear your holiday poems or any other auditory delights (parody songs, orginal songs, fake commercials, and even comedy skits!) Record or Write them, but send them to us and we'll play it! Send your cheer to ddocast@gmail.com
DDOcast Episode 242 (12-03-11)
0:00:52 Intro
0:01:22 DDO NEWS
0:08:16 DDOcast News
0:13:31 Sponsor Break
0:14:44 Update 12 Patch 1 Notes
0:22:05 DDO Poetry Corner
0:24:30 Whatcha been up to?
0:26:53 DDO Community News
0:35:19 General Gaming News
0:39:01 Closing
TOTAL TIME: 00:41:23
LINK for Update 12 Patch 1: Tweaks & Fixes to Challenge Quests
LINK for A Year of DDO VIP now available for $99.99
LINK for DDO Refer a Friend Double Bonus Points Offer Now Available
LINK for BUG: Item Upgrade Item Seals for Abbot and StormReaver not Dropping
LINK for New Payment Methods in the DDOStore
LINK for DDO Store Sales
LINK for DDO Daily Deals for December
LINK for Skaggy’s Blog
LINK for DDOViewer is a new player-made program that lets you see your character information!
LINK for DDO Brasil!
LINK for Eberron Chronicle for Nov 25th
LINK for Eberron Chronicle for Dec 2nd
LINK for Tobril is organizing groups to teach new players how to run DDO’s raids
LINK for DDO Brasil Player Blog
LINK for The Stormreach Sentinel DDO blog
LINK for amius’s Bow-monk Build for TR
LINK for Tobril’s Hound of Xoriat Raid Training
LINK for Gaming Dice in Chocolate and Sugar!
LINK for Turbine.com Gets a new Look
LINK for Epic Education 13 (ADQ1)
LINK for Epic Education 14 (adq2)
LINK for Epic Education 15 (adq3)
You can find DDOcast on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.
Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent
Sig and Anne