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  1. #1
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    Default The Silliness on our AH needs to stop.

    So, a week after the exploit, when everyone else was crying about their server's economy being destroyed, ours was fine. I remember checking LDS prices and seeing the highest at about 700k, and the lowest being about 300k. Nothing in our AH was any more out of whack than it ever was.

    Now? Can't find LDS for less than 1.1 million? And oh god, how many LDS are there on the AH? I've never seen more than half a dozen at a time. Now, there's so many.

    Here's my guess: The number of people that exploited on our server is very very very low. And they didn't maliciously attack our economy. Our economy is not actually borked. BUT, people heard what Larges are going for on other servers, and think that's the price for them now. My support? The number of mats on the AH. No one is going to buy them for those prices. And it's because our server isn't full of plat-capped toons. So please, stop the silliness. LDS are about 400-500k apiece, and other larges go down from there. I mean, a million buy out for a Large Chain? Pull your heads out of...well, you know.

    Unless it is just some exploiter who waited until the bannings were over (maybe he had to wait till his banning was over?), and is now aggressively attacking our economy. If that's the case: grow up. Stop stomping on my sand castle just because you can.

  2. #2
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    My guess is somebody ran out of bank/bag space with all the new crafting ingredients from all the new packs, and decided to use the AH as an extra bank slot.

    I heard of some people that did that before the exploit and lost all their stuff, never thinking anyone would by large chains for the plat cap. So it's a risk, but I don't think anyone seriously expects to sell (in fact I think they hope they don't).

  3. #3
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    If that's what happened, they're still messing with us, because there are no reasonably priced Stones or Scales on there right now.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by waterboytkd View Post
    Here's my guess: The number of people that exploited on our server is very very very low. And they didn't maliciously attack our economy. Our economy is not actually borked. BUT, people heard what Larges are going for on other servers, and think that's the price for them now. My support? The number of mats on the AH. No one is going to buy them for those prices.
    I can assure you, large scales ARE selling for the prices listed on the AH. I have listed 3 LDS for 1.2mil each, and all have sold within an hour or so of posting.

    If people are willing to pay 1.2mil per scale, why should I list them for the "right" price of 400k?

  5. #5
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mute_mayhem View Post
    I can assure you, large scales ARE selling for the prices listed on the AH. I have listed 3 LDS for 1.2mil each, and all have sold within an hour or so of posting.

    If people are willing to pay 1.2mil per scale, why should I list them for the "right" price of 400k?
    you should not have to, but a dozen people with unlimited funds should not inflate the prices for everyone else.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxallu View Post
    you should not have to, but a dozen people with unlimited funds should not inflate the prices for everyone else.
    This was my point. Unless this is just people being stupid and the stars aligned just right for a whole bunch of em to post at ludicrous prices because they think that's what these go for (maybe as a result on other servers), what we're seeing are a few people maliciously coming after our economy. And they shouldn't. It's rude.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lux-Aeterna View Post
    The "silliness" on the AH is called a free market. It does not need to be fixed.
    If you think the prices are too high, then you should farm ingredients and undercut the current prices.
    In the end, the prices on the AH don't actually affect me. I don't shop for GS mats on the AH. I shop for very little on it, actually. My plat is mostly used for maintenance costs. That said, just because it's a free market doesn't mean people should abuse it. Especially considering that this is a game, and if a few people with a massive plat surplus attack our economy, it can diminish the game for other players. It's selfish and rude.
    Last edited by waterboytkd; 12-06-2011 at 08:07 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by waterboytkd View Post
    a few people with a massive plat surplus attack our economy, it can diminish the game for other players. It's selfish and rude.
    Not sure why you believe your economy is being attacked by the people you blame.

    The loot on the AH belongs to the people who pulled it from chests in the Shroud. Its theirs to do as they please, including offering it on the AH for any price they see fit.

    Believing you have the right to dictate the price at which other people sell their loot? Yeah, that's selfish and rude.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GermanicusMaximus View Post
    Not sure why you believe your economy is being attacked by the people you blame.

    The loot on the AH belongs to the people who pulled it from chests in the Shroud. Its theirs to do as they please, including offering it on the AH for any price they see fit.

    Believing you have the right to dictate the price at which other people sell their loot? Yeah, that's selfish and rude.
    First, you kind of misquoted me. That was an "if" statement. Not actually saying that's what's happening. It's a possibility, though. But either way, I don't dictate what the price should be. There's an accepted market price, and sure it can fluctuate, but the recent spike is due to either one of two things: greed and ignorance, or greed and maliciousness.

    As for the "It's their loot, they can do what they want" idea, that's obvious, and we've always had outrageously overpriced scales on the AH from someone thinking they could rip someone else off. But when all scales become outrageously priced? That's usually because someone bought up everything on the AH and then put it back on there for a massivesly upped price. That, or too many people bought into the horror other servers were experiencing and thought it applied to ours. It's just bad for everyone.

    And I'm inclined to believe this is due to people being greedy and ignorant. Mostly, because it hasn't hit everything on the AH.

  9. #9
    Community Member Thlargir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GermanicusMaximus View Post
    The loot on the AH belongs to the people who pulled it from chests in the Shroud. Its theirs to do as they please, including offering it on the AH for any price they see fit.

    Believing you have the right to dictate the price at which other people sell their loot? Yeah, that's selfish and rude.
    These are, I believe, termed strawman arguments. That is, ascribing arguments to your opponents in a debate that they do not make, in the attempt to discredit their actual arguments.

    Quote Originally Posted by GermanicusMaximus View Post
    Not sure why you believe your economy is being attacked by the people you blame.
    So let me explain, no, there is no time, let me sum up:
    1) An exploit injected a large amount of plat into the economy,
    2) Plat is useless in of itself and thus has to be converted into useful alternatives,
    3) The price of useful alternatives thereby rises.

    This is not the way a "free market" operates, this is the way a manipulated market operates.

    P.S. Snapshot prices by server (for what it is worth):
    Argo 1.5M 1 available
    Khyber 1M few available
    Thelanis 400K 1 page
    Orien <400K 1 page
    Ghallanda 1.5M 1 page
    Cannith 500K few available
    Sarlona 450K few available
    Wayfinder none available

  10. #10
    Community Member kaleid0star's Avatar
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    The market will move itself back to equilibrium eventually. No one will post LDSs for 1.2 mill if no one is buying them for 1.2 mill but if there are people willing to pay for that then they will stay that way. You have the option not to buy and wit for the prices to drop.
    Clashing (Healing Spellsinger Bard), Faerwynd (lvl 20 Caster Cleric), Cocus (lvl 20 Palemaster Wizard), Grougal (Wolf/Healing Druid)

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  11. #11
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    The "silliness" on the AH is called a free market. It does not need to be fixed.
    If you think the prices are too high, then you should farm ingredients and undercut the current prices.

  12. #12
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lux-Aeterna View Post
    The "silliness" on the AH is called a free market. It does not need to be fixed.
    If you think the prices are too high, then you should farm ingredients and undercut the current prices.
    This "free Market" has been rampantly exploited and abused. Prices are high because people cheated. Now, everyone else has to suffer massive inflation. How do you not understand this?

    Yes, the AH runs on a free market, but when people cheat, it stops feeling free.

  13. #13
    Community Member westudi's Avatar
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    Wow. I guess I should sell a few scales then.
    Too many toons to list, but the mains are Achewon, Westudi, and Shonufff.

  14. #14
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    The point is, there are massively inflated prices because people abused an exploit. There is no way an intelligent person can defend that. The silliness needs to stop.

  15. #15
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I'm tempted to sell some scales dangit and buy stuff to up my Cannith crafting levels ...
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  16. #16
    Community Member keefer1's Avatar
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    Well, like they have said if no one pays for it...prices will drop..but also you are not entitled to something just because you can't buy for it(quest)'s much more rewarding. Now that said, I've sold some rare items for too much plat back in the day but a mil. plat for anything was unheard of....( Wow!! where did you get that acid longsword.....) Seemed so much more fun back then.


  17. #17
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Get a few larges.
    Sell them for 800 plat
    *(Laugh at people selling for 1mil, or whatever.)*

  18. #18
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    Don't blame the sellers in this. If someone is willing to pay 2M plat for a devil scale (and yes, I sold about half a dozen at this price, all bought out within an hour or so of posting) then you'd be silly to sell them for less than that.

    But prices are coming down. I sold my excess off close to two weeks ago now. Once everybody else started selling prices dropped dramatically. That's how the market works. Just give it time, be patient, in another month or so all will be back to normal.

    Or, alternatively. Run shroud more often.
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
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  19. #19
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    The recent increase in prices in the AH are a direct result of exploiters and cheaters. The current listed prices are not a result of any natural fluctuations. The current prices are what they are because a handful of people have crazy amounts of plat (because they cheated) and money is no object. This is not free market, this is not fluctuation over time or the going rate price.

    The AH is being held hostage by cheaters. I should not have to wait for exploiters to run out of plat before prices return to a reasonable level.

    Stop being apologists for these cheaters, you look ignorant.

  20. #20
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    your just to innocent OP. those who exploited had no NEED to immediatly sale thier ill gotten gains. they in fact will never ever run out as the amount they have stock piled away means that it only takes 1 of those players occasionally clearing out one of his pages on one of his many mules bank tabs to cause this issue to keep rising again to the surface.

    the prices will only keep climbing up as new players fueled by greed and desperation follow suit with thier few drops.

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