I don't know how hard this would be, but I'd love to see an option to transfer the contents of one bag into another..
Or failing that, how about a "Dump to inventory" button?
(Obviously, only the things you have room for would dump out, the rest would remain)
This because I spent HOURS cleaning up 4 characters with multiple bags that could have been accomplished with a few clicks....
*open first bag*
*click* dump contents to inventory
*open other bag*
*click* gather.
Beautiful, no?
Yeah, I know.. there are lots more really important things to work on like lag, blades, pugs, challenges, pre's, etc.. etc...
Doesn't hurt to ask though. Call it my DDO christmas wish.
(Hey, I wouldn't have to ask if you Dev's would quit putting in 387 different kinds of custom crafting systems with 8 million different ingredients each!!!)