6s CD on Scroll Healing (Tank for instance) gives time to throw a Curative Admixture at a non-WF wounded party member AND Repair/Recon on Yourself
Also, gives others options to "Watch your back" if things go south. WF Caster in Party? You are covered. FVS/Cleric in Party? You are covered.
For an Arti acting in a "Support" capacity can really make a difference.
The -25% to Positive Healing is easily over-come with a little investment in healing amp gear and other damage mitigation tactics.
As a matter of fact with Quick Draw Feat you could probably throw a Heal Scroll, Equip+Cast a Wand, Throw CurAd and a Recon.
Can hit 4 Targets in the CD of one Heal Scroll
I addition, does anyone out there REALLY want to Un-Equip Weapon + Equip Scroll + UMD gear (if needed) Cast Scroll, Re-Equip Weapon rinse repeat? OR throw a Quickened Recon and keep the Dmg rolling?
It's not a trap....and Arti's Get PLENTY of Feats to Work it into a build (even with 3 DMs of the Storm)
Now lets say you are Dragonmarked Halfling 4 Arti w/ ConE + 13 PM Wiz and 3 Light Monk LMAO