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  1. #1
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default What I'd do to epics

    Just a list of things I’d love to see made in the game, particularly epics

    (a) Remove or raise the HP limit on vorpals/smiters/banishers

    - I get the rationale about limiting those with no opportunity cost - but honestly, there is an opportunity cost - you’re generally making different weapon choices, you’re in their face getting hit back, etc.

    (b) Make AC useful in epics

    - Take any of the suggestions about making AC useful and apply them - like the 2d20 reduction from each epic mob, etc.
    - credit grodon9999 and many others - someone toss me a link?

    (c) Add some random components to epic mobs when they spawn

    - Equipment using types should have the possibility of spawning with any of the following assumed to be part of their worn gear: Deathblock, FOM, elemental resist/absorption, SR 30, blurry, fortification … low chance for each, possibility of a super stacked having many/most - consider these item-based and non-dispellable
    - Consider giving a new effect, +X to saves vs. spells ... possibly random in the above set, or possibly a set minimal amount (1 or 2) so that CC tactics are less impacted.
    - Named mobs have a chance to spawn with more fun effects - earthgrab guard, melodic guard, nightmare guard, air guard … low chance to spawn one of these … consider these item-based and non-dispellable
    - If possible, cycle a different AI set for epic casters, allowing some to act similar to IQ divines (spamming deathward, FoM, Holy Aura, etc.)
    - Ensure cast-buffs should be dispellable for a focused dispeller or a lucky person ... remember that CR and Hit Die/level are not the same thing, nor were meant to be.

    (d) Make more mobs stun, trip, sunder
    - Not just dogs and hobgoblins in Tear of Dhakaan - make more mobs hit us with DEX or STR checks. That interrupts casting, lowers our fort, etc.
    - (courtesy Vellrad)

    (e) Hate-amp instakills
    - When "hate" was added to instakills I remember the dev comment being something like "because trying to kill you is a hate-able offense" ... when asked the hate generated was equal to the amount of damage the spell does instead ... about d6/level before amping - I think instakills need to carry more hate than a boosted fireball. Not a guaranteed, and certainly shouldn't apply for mobs that are immune (bosses) so instakills can't be used as a cheap way to turtle, but for mobs who could be affected and make their save - more hate on the caster.

    (f) Add coup-de-grace as an active feat
    - Once mobs are helpless, introduce a coup de grace action to allow for faster melee killing.
    - Courtesy grodon9999

    (g) Enhance combat tactics
    - I mentioned this in the mob saves above - maybe increase their saves against magic, but we could also go the route of increasing their base saves and then boosting melee tactics
    - Introduce more +15 items in the game
    - Remove the slow animations
    - Allow all TWF to proc multiple tactic options (like unarmed)
    - Provide a chance for THF to proc multiples as well
    - courtesy of many others

    ... and I wouldn't be opposed to not making any changes to EXISTING content, and instead shaping these into future content.
    Last edited by voodoogroves; 12-07-2011 at 10:01 AM.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

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