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Thread: The Guild Wall

  1. #21
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    At Crate and Barrel Smashing LLC we also started off as a group of real life friends. We've slowly picked people up over time - one or two here, a few there - and we've lost a few as well. Most of our members came from in game with a few from on the forums. We recently assimilated a small guild after running epics with them - they were a guild of 4, we were about 10 at the time - but that was after several weeks of running epics and getting to know them.

    Really, just play the game and group with people and if you click you click.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  2. #22
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Qaliya View Post
    I seem to have stepped on toes here and that was not my intention. Sorry if my tone has come across the wrong way.

    I will figure this out for myself. I am not asking anyone for anything, in fact I am generally the sort of person who prefers to do things for himself. I was just trying to more generally say something about the overall difficulty of finding a guild that fits. Perhaps it's just me.

    I'll keep PUGging and if I find something that fits, it fits. It may be that I just belong in my "guild of one" and exploring the PUG scene.

    mws2970, I apologize for not replying to you directly. I usually do, so not sure what happened there. I sent you a PM.
    If you PUG as much as you say, you've had to have befriended some people by now and added them to your friends list. If they've also added you, then why not ask them about their guild and whether they are taking new members?

    If someone I've put on my friends list asked about my guild and wanted to try it out, or even someone with whom I'm running a chain and we're really enjoying the experience, then I'd sign them up np.

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    If you PUG as much as you say, you've had to have befriended some people by now and added them to your friends list. If they've also added you, then why not ask them about their guild and whether they are taking new members?
    Yep, I'm working on doing exactly that.

    For now I think I'm just going to back off, take a more laid-back approach to this, and see what happens. If something is meant to be it will happen. If not, well, I'll finally get the ship buffs laid out how *I* want them.

    Thanks for all the replies.

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