I think many veterans may underestimate how hard it is for a new player to find a guild that matches their needs. I've been looking for several weeks now and have not had a great deal of luck.

One of the main problems is that it's hard to get current information about most guilds. There is some in the "Sarlona Guilds" section, but it doesn't seem up to date. I can see some of the larger guilds on the server as I PUG, but I never know much about them.

In fact, I usually don't even know if they are looking for new players or not. Postings from newcomers looking for a guild seem to get few responses.

Most guilds don't seem to want newer players. I can understand why this is, but it's a real impediment for those who are new.

Some guilds want you to run with them for a while before they'll consider you. Again, I get the reasoning, but in practice it is very difficult to do this. Raids have timers and it's mostly sheer luck if I happen to be around and looking at the LFM panel when the guild I am interested in happens to open up a raid for PUGgers.

I'm not asking for anything here, just want those who run guilds to think about what they might be able to do to make their guilds more newbie-accessible. Even if it is just making information easier to find, either in the Guilds subforum, via signature links or whatnot.

I know a lot of newer players out there kinda stink, but not all of us do. And any group eventually stagnates without fresh blood. So consider a newbie today.