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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Exclamation The Melee Artificer

    Today I was thinking of how to make an artificer a dps class, and not a horrible boring class (In my opinion) that uses wimpy rune arms and crossbows and I thought it up. 16artificer/2fighter/2monk (warforeged or human). 16 artificer provides 4 feats (which can be used for all the useful metamagic feats one needs to make your buffs and blade barriers the best (Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Extend). 2 Fighter gives you two feats and +1 enhancement bonus to str, 2 monk gives you two feats as well and evasion (Dump Ac, because when this toon is geared it has some good guards). I decided to not focus on ranged or the rune arms at all, because can't duel wield some nice Lightning Strikers (Lightning strikers because with the silver weapon spell they become boss beaters with lightning strike).

    Str:16+3 tome+4 level+6 item+3 ex+1 enhance+3 profance= 36(+13)
    Dex:15+2 tome+6 item+ 1 ex=24(+7)
    Con:17+3 tome+1 level+7 item+ 3 ex+2 enhance+3 profane=36(+13)
    Int:14+3 tome+6 item+ 3 ex+ 2 enhance=28(+9)
    Wis:6+ 3 tome-1 epic ring of the baphomet=8(-1)
    Cha:6+3 tome+7 item+1 ex-1 epic ring of the baphomet=16(+3)

    Armor: Dragon Touched (DeathBlock/Corrosive Salt Guard/+20 elemental hp)

    Belt: Spare Hand (Tier 3)- (Riposte, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Staggering Blow, Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15, Use Magic Device +3, Doublestrike 3%, Toughness)

    Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion (Disintegration Guard/heavy fort/greater false life)

    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 con/+5 resist/+1 ex con)

    Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets (+6 str/+1 ex str)

    Goggles: Green Steel Stalemate (+10hp/+15hp/+100sp)

    Helmet: Epic Helm of Frost (+7 cha/+1 ex cha)

    Necklace: Torc (+125sp/Kinetic Energy Transformation)

    Ring: ToD Ring (+6 int/+1ex int/+2ex int)

    Ring: Epic Ring of the Baphomet (+2ex con and str/-1 wis and cha/+1 ex dex)

    Trinket: Epic Blasting Chime (Tier 3)- (Weaken Construct, Superior Sonic Lore, Superior Resonance IX, Cacophonic Guard, Greater Evocation Focus, Anthem, Epic Resonance VI, Inherent Sonic Resistance (10), Wizardry VI)

    Wrist: Epic Scorched Bracers (Blindness Immunity/+3 profane con and str)

    Weapon Sets:
    () Dual Lightning Strike Kopeshes
    () Skiver/Superior Potency VI
    () Lightning Strike Kopesh/Levik's Shield

    Leveling Take: Artificer, Monk x2, Fighter x2, Artificer x15.

    Feats: Toughness, Two-weapon Fighting (monk), Power Attack(monk), Exotic Weapon Prof-Kopesh, Over-sized Two-weapon Fighting (fighter), Toughness, Extend Spell (artificer), Improved Two-weapon fighting, Improved Crit-slash, Maximize Spell (artificer), Greater two-weapon fighting, Quicken Spell (artificer), skill focus (UMD <-Crummy Cha, but want to use those GH scrolls), Empower Spell (artificer).

    These feats leave you with great melee capabilities and the best Blade Barriers in the game.

    Hp Break down: 260(con)+20(ftr)+16(mnk)+96(arti)+25(GS)+20(DT)+30 (GFL)+10(favor)+20(toughness item)+44(toughness feats)+40(toughness enhance)+10(prestige)=591+20(ship)+40(yugo)=651+20 (rage)+40(madstone)=->[711hp]<-, and all this is long duration things (except maybe rage).

    Also has approx 1200 sp at level 20

    Any Ideas on how I can improve this build before constructing it and trying it out?
    Last edited by sumptingwong; 12-05-2011 at 12:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    I don't see the synergy with TWF'ing. If you check out the "maximising rune-arm DPS" thread you can see the massive amount of DPS that the run arm can contribute (rune arm+bastard sword>TWF'ing possibly).

    I've designed 2 melee Artificer builds. The first is a warforged Artificer which is probably the better one with an alchemic bastard sword or daxe and a docent of defiance. The second is a human that can either power the epic chimaera's fang with cannith dragonmarks or sentinel dragonmarks.

    I still haven't seen a compelling reason to splash on a melee Artificer build. The capstone adds more DPS than the DPS that you get from splashing and the additional SP is welcome.

    I also still haven't seen a compelling reason to be strength based on a melee Artificer build. Taking enough strength for GTHF'ing (and AB) is important but level ups into intelligence give a similar amount of DPS but with much more utility. Overall, you lose about 4 AB and maybe 2 damage when using insightful damage but it is still possible to hit any enemy in the game on a 2 if appropriately geared (including sneak attack bonuses).

    I think it could be quite entertaining to hate tank with a warforged melee artificer with a DoD but still I'd be inclined to be intelligence based and rely on outside buffs/debuffs to maintain 95% hit rate against the really high AC foes.

  3. #3
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    I am curious about what is the source of the +75 sp on your GS Goggles. I am also curious about why you don't just put the +20 hp on your goggles and get a different guard for the 3rd tier of your DT armor?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by WielderofGigantus View Post
    I am curious about what is the source of the +75 sp on your GS Goggles. I am also curious about why you don't just put the +20 hp on your goggles and get a different guard for the 3rd tier of your DT armor?
    The elemental energy on GS adds +75 sp (stacking). And I put more hp on the DT because to me more buffing is more important than a guard going off doing 200-400dmg (of which I would do in like 2.5 secs fully geared).

  5. #5
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sumptingwong View Post
    The elemental energy on GS adds +75 sp (stacking). And I put more hp on the DT because to me more buffing is more important than a guard going off doing 200-400dmg (of which I would do in like 2.5 secs fully geared).
    No . . . a second tier existential energy gives 50 SP or a third tier gives 100 SP. No green steel gives 75.

    When you say +10 hp/+15 hp/+75sp stalemate goggles, I assume you're talking conc opp? Like these?

    They would actually give you +100 SP, not +75. But I don't really understand why you wouldn't go either pure HP or pure SP on your conc opp item. These ones seem a little haphazard. Personally, I'd keep them as pure HP items (like these, and then use the sov tier on your dragontouched for radiance guard or 20% healing amp.

    Then make another item with +150 SP, just to use for buffing and then swapping out (like these, for instance, which also work as a raise dead clicky and a swappable +6 to UMD).

    All of which is sort of beside the point . . . I agree very much with wax that the only compelling way to make a melee artificer is to use one of the THF-able one-handed weapons, either bastard sword or dwarven axe.
    Last edited by Cardtrick; 12-05-2011 at 04:11 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  6. #6
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    Imho, there is a compelling point to make a 10 HP/15 HP/100 SP conc.opp. item. You only need to make a single GS item to reap the best benefits:
    * archmagi is better and can be slotted elsewhere
    * 20 HP can be slotted elsewhere:
    * You're only missing 50 SP in the end (well, and 1+2 to UMD)

  7. #7
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Archmagi and GS SP items stack.

    As for the OP instantly discounting runearms, you should check again on them. With enhancements they can provide a lot of DPS.

  8. #8
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    For the rune arm -vs- TWF debate? What kind of a str score can you get? Doesnt look to be too high.

    With the right rune arm + enhancements (most artificers carry several) youll out DPS a mid 30s str twfer. That might change if there was a way to gain a decent str score.

    With that low int score those "best blade barriers in the game" will be hitting most mobs for half damage alot as they make their saves.

    I like artificers because their damage potential doesnt revolve around ramping up strength as the only solution.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

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