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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Exclamation The Melee Artificer

    Today I was thinking of how to make an artificer a dps class, and not a horrible boring class (In my opinion) that uses wimpy rune arms and crossbows and I thought it up. 16artificer/2fighter/2monk (warforeged or human). 16 artificer provides 4 feats (which can be used for all the useful metamagic feats one needs to make your buffs and blade barriers the best (Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Extend). 2 Fighter gives you two feats and +1 enhancement bonus to str, 2 monk gives you two feats as well and evasion (Dump Ac, because when this toon is geared it has some good guards). I decided to not focus on ranged or the rune arms at all, because can't duel wield some nice Lightning Strikers (Lightning strikers because with the silver weapon spell they become boss beaters with lightning strike).

    Str:16+3 tome+4 level+6 item+3 ex+1 enhance+3 profance= 36(+13)
    Dex:15+2 tome+6 item+ 1 ex=24(+7)
    Con:17+3 tome+1 level+7 item+ 3 ex+2 enhance+3 profane=36(+13)
    Int:14+3 tome+6 item+ 3 ex+ 2 enhance=28(+9)
    Wis:6+ 3 tome-1 epic ring of the baphomet=8(-1)
    Cha:6+3 tome+7 item+1 ex-1 epic ring of the baphomet=16(+3)

    Armor: Dragon Touched (DeathBlock/Corrosive Salt Guard/+20 elemental hp)

    Belt: Spare Hand (Tier 3)- (Riposte, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Staggering Blow, Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15, Use Magic Device +3, Doublestrike 3%, Toughness)

    Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion (Disintegration Guard/heavy fort/greater false life)

    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 con/+5 resist/+1 ex con)

    Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets (+6 str/+1 ex str)

    Goggles: Green Steel Stalemate (+10hp/+15hp/+100sp)

    Helmet: Epic Helm of Frost (+7 cha/+1 ex cha)

    Necklace: Torc (+125sp/Kinetic Energy Transformation)

    Ring: ToD Ring (+6 int/+1ex int/+2ex int)

    Ring: Epic Ring of the Baphomet (+2ex con and str/-1 wis and cha/+1 ex dex)

    Trinket: Epic Blasting Chime (Tier 3)- (Weaken Construct, Superior Sonic Lore, Superior Resonance IX, Cacophonic Guard, Greater Evocation Focus, Anthem, Epic Resonance VI, Inherent Sonic Resistance (10), Wizardry VI)

    Wrist: Epic Scorched Bracers (Blindness Immunity/+3 profane con and str)

    Weapon Sets:
    () Dual Lightning Strike Kopeshes
    () Skiver/Superior Potency VI
    () Lightning Strike Kopesh/Levik's Shield

    Leveling Take: Artificer, Monk x2, Fighter x2, Artificer x15.

    Feats: Toughness, Two-weapon Fighting (monk), Power Attack(monk), Exotic Weapon Prof-Kopesh, Over-sized Two-weapon Fighting (fighter), Toughness, Extend Spell (artificer), Improved Two-weapon fighting, Improved Crit-slash, Maximize Spell (artificer), Greater two-weapon fighting, Quicken Spell (artificer), skill focus (UMD <-Crummy Cha, but want to use those GH scrolls), Empower Spell (artificer).

    These feats leave you with great melee capabilities and the best Blade Barriers in the game.

    Hp Break down: 260(con)+20(ftr)+16(mnk)+96(arti)+25(GS)+20(DT)+30 (GFL)+10(favor)+20(toughness item)+44(toughness feats)+40(toughness enhance)+10(prestige)=591+20(ship)+40(yugo)=651+20 (rage)+40(madstone)=->[711hp]<-, and all this is long duration things (except maybe rage).

    Also has approx 1200 sp at level 20

    Any Ideas on how I can improve this build before constructing it and trying it out?
    Last edited by sumptingwong; 12-05-2011 at 12:18 AM.

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