I'd like to mention a couple of relatively new developments that could use some attention.
1. You are not facing <insert enemy here>
This one crept in after U11 and is the bane of any caster that moves a lot. It can be as bad as standing still facing your enemy, then jumping straight backwards, cast during that jump, and you are "not facing your enemy", very, very frustrating, and fairly new.
2. Tira's Splendour does not confer silver weapons
It says it does in the description, but i'm afraid that casting silver weapons on myself (when i'm on my arti), will give me the orange numbers i'm looking for, but wearing my Tira's Splendour will not.
3. Whilst wearing a lvl 20 upgrade epic mabar cloak, getting "incorporeal" messages when attempting to hit imcorporeal beings.
Now i originally though this was random - it only happens sometimes, then i finally noticed it was when i was jumping again....somehow related to #1, and fairly new.
4. True seeing from the Tinkers Gloves set, nope, it doesn't give you true seeing, i've slotted an epic spyglass for that until this ones fixed - it's new items, so again, a fairly recent problem.
5. Wolves attack movement.
Go for a run in Splinterskull or Reavers Refuge - ice side. Watch some of the wolves and target them for attack, the visual of the wolf is in one place, but the attack wolf (that you can score a hit on) will be several movement tiles behind it during their "lunge/snapping jaws" attack. This is a very new problem - i'd say since U12 or the 1st patch after U12.
I understand that there are many other problems - some very long term problems, that we are all almost used to sadly, and i would rate #! as the worst of them all - it has reduced caster based "active combat" to a real stand still and cast, not the combat system i've learned to enjoy over the past few years.
Feedback from other players is encouraged, i have had much feedback from guildies already regarding these problems, they are persistent and new, and pervasive.
Coit out~