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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Stun/Trip bard... crazy idea?

    Recent update introduced new named items, including spare hand.
    Also improved sunder provides -4 fort save debuff as long as you hit mob with this attack.
    Alchemical weapons can be upgraded with stunning +10 in non-blunt weapons as well.

    This got me thinking about stun/trip bard, from my quick calc shows they can aim for mid 40+ DC for both stun/trip. Here's what I could came up.

    18 Bard/ 2 Fighter Half Orc, max strength type.

    10 base DC
    17 from 44 STR (20 base, +5 lv, +3 tome, +3 exceptional, +3 enhancement, +6 item, +2 ship, +2 rage)
    10 from stunning weapon
    5 from Sparehand belt.
    4 from successful improved sunder hit
    1 from fighter enhancement

    = 47 Stunning blow DC, 43 w/o hitting Improved Sunder.

    As for the trip DC...

    10 base
    17 from 44 STR
    15 from Epic Deneith Heavy Chain
    5 from Sparehand,
    1 from fighter enhancement,

    = 48 regular Trip DC.

    I believe these numbers are quite useful range even in epics.
    However, this character obviously rely ALOT on equipments to fully perform these tactic feats.
    I am wondering if they are worthwhile investment, or not. So any thoughts?
    English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling

  2. #2
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    The "Trauma" Debuff from Improved Sunder is not -4 to Fort Saves.

    It is:
    • a -3 Fort Save
    • Stackable five times
    • Party-wide.

    For a total of -15 to Fort Saves, but initially -3.

    That seems like a lot of gear, and also three combat feats *not* part of Warchanter II.

    The DCs are passable, but the Trip will taper off in efficacy in Epics. Since it's a straight Strength/Dex check, instead of some Fortitude/Reflex Save, most Epic mobs (including casters) will end up saving because of how overinflated their stats are.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    The "Trauma" Debuff from Improved Sunder is not -4 to Fort Saves.

    It is:
    • a -3 Fort Save
    • Stackable five times
    • Party-wide.

    For a total of -15 to Fort Saves, but initially -3.
    My bad, I must have confused with something else

    About combat feats, I think they can be obtainable if you not going for THF line.
    But I do understand their importance on DPS increase, was just wondering if stunning mobs are more useful in group than personal DPS.

    As for the trip, I heard mid-40 dc can be useful even in epic, so that got me to thinking about it using deneith chain.
    But I don't have any character that can hit near 40 dc trip, so I cannot test it by myself.
    English is not my primary language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling

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