I apologize upfront but it appears my ISP doesn't like me shoving out 4 mbps upload of video tonight when it is normally fine. So to simplifiy things I'm running 1280x720 at 2000 kbps.
I apologize upfront but it appears my ISP doesn't like me shoving out 4 mbps upload of video tonight when it is normally fine. So to simplifiy things I'm running 1280x720 at 2000 kbps.
Doing some elite harbor/market listening to friends in TS3. Ranger life. Come B.S. in chat if you are bored.
Last edited by Epitome; 03-07-2013 at 01:10 AM.
Just doing some more TR work to completionist this evening, come join if bored.
Doing some more streaming, Cleric life with heavy monk splash. Level 5 to 8 and then probably otto's up to high levels.
Reminder, stream is very high bitrate, 1080P at 4,500 kbps so advisable to have minimum of 10 mbps connection to see without skips.
Just listening to a songza playlist, http://songza.com/listen/evening-euphoria-Jibcutter-1/
Doing some harbor stuff on lowbie, now 1 life past completionist, still adding the levels for the past lives. Playing with a fellow viewer. Come view and bs if bored.
Realize in hindsight the gameplay audio was piping through. Will fix it next time.
Youtube Videos are posted below for this play session and the night after.
Part 1 Apologies, no game audio
Part 2 Apologies, no game audio
Part 3
Last edited by Epitome; 10-11-2013 at 12:30 AM.
Last edited by Epitome; 10-12-2013 at 03:34 PM.
Last edited by Epitome; 10-14-2013 at 10:46 PM.
Some level 14 leveling (14th life) with two guildies. Doing some streaming, come hang out if bored.
Will update the youtubes later, I'm a little behind.
Streaming some Through the Mirror EE atm.