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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010

    Default game too slow after repairing computer

    OK, so here's the deal. I had a virus called "ping.exe" (I know there is a real legit program called that too). This virus would pop up about every 5 min and take up 90% of my computer resources. I could manually stop it from running at the task manager, but that was not a long term solution as it kept popping back up. I tried numerous other fixes (virus scans, system restores) but no work. so I eventually took my computer to a computer shop.

    Once there, the tech fixed my registry errors, and removed the virus. For some reason in the process he had to reformat my hard drive. He said when it reformatted, only 54% of it was working.

    Now when I play the game, it is worse than ever. It seems something is running in the background (at least it acts like the old "ping" virus). I move for 5-10 seconds and freeze for 5-10 seconds. Back and forth. Obviously not playable.

    I have the lowest settings possible for graphics now. I need some help to play. The game worked before. When the virus wasn't active I could play just fine. Now I cannot at all.

    Help, is there anything else I can do to save playing the game on this computer?

  2. #2


    Get a new hard drive and get rid the one that is failing. Yes, a failing HD can cause that much slow down.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I'm not a computer expert, but does that really cause this much of an issue? I'm a newb on 'puters, but I thought since this is an online game, the hard drive isn't accessed nearly as much. Is that incorrect?

  4. #4
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    Yeah, your HD can be a really big issue, especially as your's is less than half it's original size. The HD will be accessed during your playtime. Having an HD that is too full decreases overall performance of a PC. If you get a new one you might consider getting a solid-state HD. They're a bit quicker and tend to have less lag creating effects than the old-style drives.
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    OK then, time for a new HD. Ty folks.

  6. #6
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    um, i would try a new tech instead...first,,,,then think of repairing other things...
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  7. #7
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterblaster-1 View Post
    Once there, the tech fixed my registry errors, and removed the virus. For some reason in the process he had to reformat my hard drive. He said when it reformatted, only 54% of it was working.
    This sentence doesn't make sense. Find a new tech or post your current specs -- you may be better off just buying a new computer.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Old post, but wanted some closure in case somebody else has this same issue.

    Replaced my hard drive, and double the ram on my video card. Problem solved, but it wasn't cheap.

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