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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    I'd swap to a MinII or other Greatsword or triple positive or other Maul for situations in which you can't use eCF.

    eCF is pretty universal though, if you slot it with good and can scroll adamantine weapons (which can be purchased from the vendor) then only cold iron is outstanding. I'm not sure on the UMD of the scroll but I'd be ok with hanging out for an Artificer for the times that you need it. Not sure if you can buy bykesh scrolls but their only level 1 artificer so perhaps you can.
    lvl 1 arti scrolls have a base umd of 40

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    My pure WF FvS (with same access to UMD but lower charisma) can scroll teleport scrolls with a good chance of success with appropriate gear.

    11 base
    10 charisma (not sure where you're getting 30 from but ok)
    3 competence (golden cartouche)
    3 enhancement (epic big top/epic spyglass from Crystal Cove or +1 from big top otherwise)
    4 GH
    2 luck (HoGF/Epic Buccaneers Ring or slotted elsewhere)
    6 GS Cha skills SP item (air guard for this build)
    5 human versatility: skills

    That's enough for scrolls of displacement, fireshield, teleport, greater teleport, mass invisibility, waves of exhaustion, shadow walk, greater heroism and more.

    Not sure about the DCs on Artificer scrolls but I bet this would be enough for adamantine scrolls to make the eCF break that DR. Elemental Weapons should be doable too which would be a nice DPS boost.
    u realize while ur using addy weapons scroll ur weapon(s) is in ur inventory therefore not enchanting ur weapon. addy weps is 41 umd, planar weps is 47, it also seems ur umd is very situational. if have gone h-elf arti dille would work for free with no umd but once again ur weapon(s) will be in ur pack thereby not enchanting them

  3. #43
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notforyou View Post
    u realize while ur using addy weapons scroll ur weapon(s) is in ur inventory therefore not enchanting ur weapon. addy weps is 41 umd, planar weps is 47, it also seems ur umd is very situational. if have gone h-elf arti dille would work for free with no umd but once again ur weapon(s) will be in ur pack thereby not enchanting them
    Again, try to check your facts so people don't have to come and shoot you down.

    If you put a weapon in your offhand and your arti scroll in my main hand and use the scroll then your offhand weapon will be enchanted.

    This has worked for many characters utilising masters touch for eons and isn't even new with Artificer

  4. #44
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    great so u can do that but then have to repeat it every 3 min. so with human versatility u could only have that up for a total of 15 min. also competence and enhancement item bonuses dont stack currently, surely this is bugged but for the time being they dont.

    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Again, try to check your facts so people don't have to come and shoot you down.

    If you put a weapon in your offhand and your arti scroll in my main hand and use the scroll then your offhand weapon will be enchanted.

    This has worked for many characters utilising masters touch for eons and isn't even new with Artificer
    u dont have to have a wep in ur offhand for masters touch to work, so i have no idea where ur going with that

  5. #45
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notforyou View Post
    great so u can do that but then have to repeat it every 3 min. so with human versatility u could only have that up for a total of 15 min. also competence and enhancement item bonuses dont stack currently, surely this is bugged but for the time being they dont.

    u dont have to have a wep in ur offhand for masters touch to work, so i have no idea where ur going with that
    Competence and enhancement certainly stack unkess it's changed since yesterday when I had to swap in both big top and cartouche to equip a RR item.

    For you to masters touch yourself you need to have a weapon in your offhand, I'm not sure what is confusing about that.

    Adamantine Weapons can be scrolled by any friendly high UMD character, not just an Artificer and if doing it yourself then even 50% success would be fine. Once cast it lasts for 6 minutes which is plenty long.

    Again, eCF for most things, Greatsword/Maul for everything else, no point wasting a feat for the 5% of the time that eCF is inappropriate. Mind you, pre-recent update I wouldn't be making this argument as eCF used to have lightning strike. Now that it has disintegrate instead it really is as close to a universal weapon as you are likely to find.

  6. #46
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    I capped a 12 cleric/6 paladin/2 monk build, and I have to tell you, it was one of the most fun builds I have ever played. The survivability/solo ability of it is amazing, and if playing with other decently skilled players that don't require a babysitter, you can heal 6 man parties in leveling content without any real issue. The DPS isn't top notch, nor is the healing, but it makes for a great build to play that is enjoyable.

    That being said, it is not a build for endgame raiding/epic questing unless you are geared to the teeth, have multiple TR's under the belt, or have a good guild that doesn't mind bringing you along. It plays as a support DPS/Healing build similiar to a bard or arti without the group benefits that the other 2 classes bring to a group. That will be a hurdle in PUG groups letting you come along because if looking for pure DPS there are going to be better choices, and if looking for pure healing there are going to be better choices.

    Overall I say go for it, it was some of the best times I've had leveling a character, but if the you enjoy the endgame over the trip to cap I'd say stay away from a build like this. If you want to take a look at it I'll post the link to my build:
    Last edited by Shyver; 12-08-2011 at 12:12 PM.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

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