Oh, that.... it's usually like 1 second while the counter of my spell components goes from 100 back up to 990... Never really considered that "shattering lag". Never really bothered me, I guess...
Kind of like the ladder bug... I jump on all ladders anyway; it's faster... It's so trivial to work around, I don't even care about it.
I have no problem with Turbine if it focuses on completing some of the old systems that they have not completed like the prestige enhancements, but your concept of them not releasing any new content for 5 months and just doing bug fixes is a sure way to get people like me to leave the game especially since the last 9 months or so has been fairly lackluster in my opinion. This game just lacks the resources is the real truth. Playstation/Xbox has an incredible amount of resources whereas Turbine has a much more shoe string budget..
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Not for pros.
Pros set up click macros and did the 200 clicks in 1 second =)
Learn to play.
I could buy potions FASTER in orginal release. That annoying pot-by-pot lag code didn't exist. No idea why they added that junk. Tho it was also added in later patch then the ctrl + click update.. So there was a short window where u could get 100 pots in a cpl clicks, sans lag.
I do, other then the few people I've put on ignore.. I don't care who the poster is, i take the message at its face value and reply based on the content, not the tag above it.
You reply to me based on my reputation.
Thats how we differ, You know who i am. I dont know who you are and likely never will. Just noticed this recent trend of you reply to me as a poster, and not the contents of my posts, not unsimilar to others who ended up on my ignore list.
It's simply a dream of mine.
Not a suggestion. Not something I would ever bet on happening, just a dream.
If I was to realisticly suggest it, it would be more of a seperate subscription required server.. Called "DDO Classic", while the regular servers would remain as is.
Think EQ tried something like that tho and it failed epicly. I don't envision the results would be different if DDO tried it..... But I can still have my dream.
Use this thread.
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
All I have to say is this:
Original signup date - September 30, 2009
Return signup date - October 23, 2010
I left mostly, because unlike some, I enjoy the game's soundtrack. An update around the end of 2009 ruined that for me and stopped the laptop I had at the time from playing the sound correctly (nothing but scratching every few seconds), despite how many times I upgraded my sound card.
I also left for personal reasons.
I came back in 2010 to give it another shot and have stuck around since and do not plan to leave anytime soon, and there is a reason for that, mostly because the sound card bug issue was resolved, and secondly I was amazed at the amount of new content I saw when I did come back.
Yes, I have ran into bugs. The ladder thing doesn't bother me because I don't try to climb the stupid thing from the bottom to the top and don't understand why this is so important for some to be able to (esp the main one in House K). I also experience lag, but that is because I have a less than optimal machine, know this, and do my best not to complain about it until others in the party are experiencing the same thing I am, and to date, there have only been a number of times I can count on one hand where the lag was so bad that I had to reboot and relog, or wait it out.
I think the most annoying thing for me is some of the voice overs not matching and the issue of mobs running past me when I am trying to attack them, instead of engaging me. I report most of the voice overs, and I know they are constantly working on the latter.
Overall though, despite wanting more PrEs and the like, I don't think an entire update with no new content whatsoever, is an entirely good idea. I have only played a handful of MMOs, and there is a very good reason I have stayed with this one.
Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh
I am going to also say that the chances of such a patch are low. Is such a thing needed is the real debate. My answer to that is also no. Sure the game has some bugs, and sure some of them can be quite annoying, but the real detrimental ones are run into so rarely, and can be circumvented by changing up how you do thing a bit, that I find them best to just report, and move along. They will get fixed when they get fixed.
Having played the game prior to U9 I can also say that the game has become better, more fun, and more party balanced since then. Oh sure there are some spots where things look rushed and some where improvement could be made, but overall this is a great game. It will continue to be so.
Officer of Renowned
I've seen very few major bugs.
Every now and then a random one appears that breaks a quest, but those are very rare, and the DMs have fixed them for me (eventually).
There are a number of minor bugs that annoy me, but most have been fixed.
Overall, I am very happy with the quality of the game.
There are some long standing bugs, and things that just do not work, that I wish they would fix. (who else knows that Greater Teleport was advertised that it would work in public areas too?)
Game mechanic decisions that annoy me. (isn't it about time to beef up ranged combat....for everyone?)
And development priorities that seemed to have vanished. (PREs)
But mostly....
Druids! coming soon for well over five years now!
Wow, I honestly thought this post would be largely ignored, my rep would tank, and that would have been mostly the end of things. I never said that the issues that are currently in game are earth shattering game breaking things, but they are frequent and annoying. So much so that the few friends I have asked to come and play an on-line version of a game we would spend weekends playing on paper actually found a renewed passion for another MMO with a larger player base and history (one even left while the ViP status that I paid for was still active). Turbine will get more money from new players then it will from current ones. Personally, to me, this is Dungeons and Dragons and I’ve always and will always say D&D MMO or no MMO. I’m not suggesting anybody quit or switch their pay method or anything along those lines. I get the feeling from the way the game has progressed that the developers have a forward thinking way of development and if things don’t get fixed/completed in Ux.1 then they don’t get fixed/completed. And maybe that’s more what people (myself included) would like see a Uxxxxxxxxxxxx.2 where they fix, smooth and finish many of things that feel rushed and incomplete (crafting and PrE for two off the top of my head and I’m sure we can all name a few more).
And as for this link….
I understand this perspective, but the post is over four years old. A part of me wonders that if the stockholders and investors that have joined the Turbine team since this post have required them to make a certain goals that lead to our current situation. I don’t know what is going on over there at Turbine, but I do know things go on the known issues list and stay there longer than I can say this or that pack is new content.
As for our DDo Dev’s being on a shoestring budget. I know, I understand, I am amazed at the rate of updates we have had this year, but I would rather have one less pack with a smoother, finished, and functioning game.
I would like to see enough people so that groups fill again. When I first flagged for DQ, there were dozens of groups a day. Today, 1 in several hours. We got 4 people in it. I've not seen a 6 man DQ since before U11. Forget managing to fill 12 slots.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...
Fix bugs . Complete pres .
One Monk To Gimp Them All
Europe Devourer Beta Player
Arise Founder
Daemus, Daemons, Daemonicus Thelanis Server