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So not so long ago I was told i've been blacklisted for leaving part way through a raid. And as such am not allowed into some peoples groups, if I had done this I would have no problem with it however I have never left part-way through a raid, I drank 10 pots in a shroud when there was 3 people left to complete part 4. I drank 15 pots in an elite vod to complete the raid, I do NOT give up. The only instance that I left part way through was an eDA. I left because I had blacklisted the CC caster because he did nothing in a few others I joined and he rage-quit. I had to afk due to an emergency in an into the deep that resulted in a wipe. However I WILL not allow an unwarranted negative reputation follow me around as I try to play at the end game.
My main toon is Grethink, TR'd level 20 dwarf fvs my alts are Anrome, Truthik, Fradil and Urtha. By all means blacklist me if you think i've done something wrong however I want to set the record straight on this.
Thank you for your time.