Thought this could use it's own thread, there are discussions working their way across several threads:

I could see the new Elemental Weapons providing a token resist against their own element for flavor (especially when epic'd)... but shouldn't they protect more strongly against oppositional elements?

For example, the Elemental Greataxe of Fire provides Fire Resistance, so it would protect against Velah's breath weapon (but not against Aussircaex's), but you'd never wield the axe against Velah since she's immune to all but the base damage and the Incandescence.

We already have precedent: Frostbrand is a +3 Greatsword with Frost & Fire Resistance; Fire Shield (Hot) does Fire damage, but protects against Cold, etc.

As far as the epics go, the Resists could be upgraded to Inherent bonuses without too much of a balance issue. Keep Greater Resist on tier 1, change to Inherent 5 on tier 2, Inherent 10 on tier 3. Inherent bonuses aren't as easy to come by, and would feel more suitably "epic."