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  1. #1
    Community Member Mojoronomous's Avatar
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    Default The new Elemental Weapons should protect against an oppositional element

    Thought this could use it's own thread, there are discussions working their way across several threads:

    I could see the new Elemental Weapons providing a token resist against their own element for flavor (especially when epic'd)... but shouldn't they protect more strongly against oppositional elements?

    For example, the Elemental Greataxe of Fire provides Fire Resistance, so it would protect against Velah's breath weapon (but not against Aussircaex's), but you'd never wield the axe against Velah since she's immune to all but the base damage and the Incandescence.

    We already have precedent: Frostbrand is a +3 Greatsword with Frost & Fire Resistance; Fire Shield (Hot) does Fire damage, but protects against Cold, etc.

    As far as the epics go, the Resists could be upgraded to Inherent bonuses without too much of a balance issue. Keep Greater Resist on tier 1, change to Inherent 5 on tier 2, Inherent 10 on tier 3. Inherent bonuses aren't as easy to come by, and would feel more suitably "epic."

  2. #2
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    or make them %absoption.
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  3. #3
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    %absorption would be very cool

    I agree these weapons dont make sense. Think about a flaming weapon of fire. It should absorb cold right? Or think about Icingdeath, a frost weapon that protects/absorbs fire.

    Please get this change in before this patch goes. Is this a hard change to make?
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
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  4. #4
    Community Member Mojoronomous's Avatar
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    Only problem I can see with Absorb is that they'd have to add new Absorbs, unless they're already in behind the curtain. In-game, we only see Fire 33%, Lightning 33%, and Negative 20% ... It may not be too much work to swap Greater or Inherent Resists around, but new additions like that may not be able to make it into this patch. They'd sure be satisfying to see, though, especially if this hints at a future "Elemental Planes" adventure pack.

    Even if the Resists ARE there more for flavor than utility (like the Inherent bonuses from the Sorcerer PrC's), a token {Same Element} Resist upgrading to Inherent, and an {Opposite Element} Resist upgrading to Absorb would satisfy flavor and utility.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mojoronomous View Post
    Only problem I can see with Absorb is that they'd have to add new Absorbs, unless they're already in behind the curtain. In-game, we only see Fire 33%, Lightning 33%, and Negative 20% ... It may not be too much work to swap Greater or Inherent Resists around, but new additions like that may not be able to make it into this patch. They'd sure be satisfying to see, though, especially if this hints at a future "Elemental Planes" adventure pack.

    Even if the Resists ARE there more for flavor than utility (like the Inherent bonuses from the Sorcerer PrC's), a token {Same Element} Resist upgrading to Inherent, and an {Opposite Element} Resist upgrading to Absorb would satisfy flavor and utility.
    There's 10/15/20 absorbs in various locations, namely on greensteel. And they all stack.

    33% needs to added somewhere for cold, but that's a different issue.

  6. #6
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mojoronomous View Post
    Only problem I can see with Absorb is that they'd have to add new Absorbs, unless they're already in behind the curtain. In-game, we only see Fire 33%, Lightning 33%, and Negative 20%
    Unless I'm forgetting something, these all exist in game on items right now...

    10,15, & 20 for all elements
    15, 20, 30, & 45 for negative
    33 elec and fire
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
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  7. #7
    Community Member RedDragonScale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    Unless I'm forgetting something, these all exist in game on items right now...

    10,15, & 20 for all elements
    15, 20, 30, & 45 for negative
    33 elec and fire
    This is an accurate accounting of all presently-existing absorbs in DDO right now.

  8. #8
    Community Member Mojoronomous's Avatar
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    Talking Nothing generates responses like being wrong ...

    Spent so much time maxing out my Cannith Crafting levels lately that I forgot the GS effects... not the most common GS weapons crafted, but with all the time I spend fiddling with the GS planners, you'd think I'd have learned it by osmosis.

    So what would you think about this kind of upgrade scheme, with current resists swapping to opposite elements, and taking into account current effects on the weapon (without adding new effects to the game like cold 33 or IIRC acid 33):

    Add effects mostly to tier 2's for a little more balance:
    Lv 4 - Tier 2: +Inherent (Same) 5
    Lv 8 - Tier 2: +Inherent (Same) 5
    Lv 12 - Tier 2: +Absorb (Opposite) 10, +Inherent (Same) 10
    Lv 16 - Tier 2: +Absorb (Opposite) 15
    Lv 20 t1 - +Absorb (Opposite) 15, +Inherent (Same) 15
    Lv 20 t2 - +Absorb (Opposite) 20
    Lv 20 t3 - (the red slot seems like a large enough boost here), alternately since the bonuses stack, 10+15 for 25

  9. #9
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    The problem is ddo is getting old and adding new loot is becoming more and more difficult without making older content to trivial. They want to add new weapons with lots of effects on them but they still want people to run shrouds, hox's, vod's, etc. These raids are already pretty easy and adding new more powerful weapons will make them so easy, they will be to boring to run. So they are stuck with adding powerful but situational weapons or less powerful weapons with lots of useless add ons.

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