Originally Posted by
Here's my thing, the existing channel is a Zerg channel, as stated many times over, I hate zerging, it's **** xp and it's more of a grind in my opinion, and I don't care if people just want to pop in to chatter, the idea of this isn't to have a place where you can find a group, AND THAT'S IT!! Rather, it's intended to be a place where you could find a group, or just chat with some friends in the channel, get pointers for your next life from people who've already done whichever class you're going into, etc. If you don't want to join then cool, I won't get my feelings hurt or anything, but I am tired of elitist TR's who only want to play their way, by zerging, or excluding people from their groups because they don't have X equip or spell memorized, I made this channel for those of us who TR'ed for the fun of it, it's not about powering to the next level, it's about enjoying the ride to 20 at whatever pace you like. I'm glad there's already a channel for the zergers out there, and if you're big on the zerg to completion and repeat style, by all means join that channel, I'm not considering myself in competition, I don't play in that style, most of my many TR'ed friends don't play in that style, and I'd just rather not be expected to heal a zerging group, or disable their traps. (my current TR's are a cleric and a trapmonkey) I'm not intending to say anything bad about those players, I have run with a few and from my experience they're awesome, but it's not my style, if it's not your style then I created this channel.
In closing, it's a game, it's not serious by it's very nature, this is a channel for those who want to TR and keep TR'ing, but still have a sense of whimsy in the process.
Again, really not trying to say anything bad about any other players.