Horrible build atually... but I'm going to ask some advice about it anyway.
Ok... I'm an alt-a-holic, and I love Rgrs.
I have made alts to (eventually) be Rgr11/***9 of every class combo. And I want to do a Rgr11/Art9 build.
I chose Dwarf for flavor. Cause a crossbow using Dwarf seems apropriate to me.
Plus Dwarves are suppose to be crafters of powerful magic weapons.
And a Dwarven Waraxe makes a good single weapon to use with a rune arm.
Anyway, the Rgr/Art seemed the answer to my desire for a crossbow using Dwarf Rgr.
But.... it's actually a horrible combination.
And I don't know what stats to make him with. Which is actually my question.
(took me long enough to get to the point.)
And what feats? Rgrs get all the good ranged feats...but actually, so do artificers! So there isn't really a synergy about the two classes IMO.
I just read a thread about Rune arm damage, and it got me thinking that maybe I should make an Int based Rgr/Art.
I could use the spell for Int damage. Take Insightful Ref feat.
And take enhancents to beef up Rune Arm damage.
Originally, I was not going to put more than 6 points into Int. And just use Art spells for buffing.
But when I looked closer at Rune Arms I am thinking that max Int might be the way to go on a build like this.
What do people think?
I have tons of alts... lvl up slowly. This char may never make it to end game anyway.
But looking for suggestions on how to make one as fun as possible.