Hello, new to the game. Highest level is 7 on a cleric and a warchanter. Well, I know I am a low level, but my two friends I play with are a fighter and a barbarian, and both of them seem to do WAY more damage than I do. I did expect a damage gap, but I feel kinda useless at these levels.
I recently ran the first part of Delera's on my warchanter with a cleric hireling, and said cleric had more killing blows and generally did a lot more damage than me. Now, having a cleric myself, I expected the cleric to do fine in an undead dungeon, but without my cleric doing anything, it would take me 35-45 minutes to clear the first part of Delera's because I spend so much time missing targets and then lightly tapping them, to use a bit of hyperbole.
Here is my character sheet for basic info: http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/jeorgio
Normally I use two +4 Scimitars. I was saving my plat for +2 tomes later on.
Current enhancements are
Fighter: Haste Boost I, Fighter Toughness I
Rogue: Sneak Attack Training I
Bard: Extra Song I, Inspired Attack I, Inspired Bravery I, Inspired Damage I, Lingering Song I, Song Magic I, Energy of Music I, Charisma I, Wand and Scroll Mastery I
Human: Adaptability Strength I, Improved Recovery I, Versatility I
I have three unused enhancement points.
Feats are Toughness, Force of Personality, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons, and Power Attack (human w/ Fighter level)
Spells are Focusing Chant, Expeditious Retreat, Sonic Blast (woohoo experimenting!), Heroism, and Rage
Bottom line, is it normal for me to feel like my damage is significantly lower than the classic melee classes in the low levels? If so, when should I expect it to improve? If not, what am I blatantly doing wrong? I am open to suggestions.