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  1. #1
    Community Member Mojoronomous's Avatar
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    Default A humble request, from one mayhaps overfond of Teleport...

    Oh master engineers of House Cannith, I swear by my docent and spellbook that I will strive to wrest control of the Manufactory from the demented followers of the Lord of Blades, and indeed, shall strive with him to my utmost, and grapple with him in hand to hand combat myself if the strengths of blade and shadow and faith should falter!

    And in the aftermath, I shall not shirk my duty to help you to rebuild! I would sooner be cast down from the bow of my guild's airship above the clouds to be broken and shattered upon the very rocks of Korthos than to shirk my duty as a hero in rebuilding your enclave by protecting the vital supply lines that enable you to gather raw materials for your Great Works!

    Though my ersatz heart does seize in my chest in the telling of it, I am, alas, bone-chillingly weary from my travels from my distant Marketplace teleportation to the doors of your enclave, and my legs do fail me. I must debase myself before you, oh grand engineers, that that today shall not be a day of triumph that I should win on your behalf.

    Perhaps I, who am, after all, but a lowly peasant in the grand workings of Stormreach, might make the merest suggestion to you, ladies and gentlemen and gentlemechs, that the great wardens and financiers of House Kundarak could be persuaded to remit control of your coordinate alignment crystals currently in their district's Crafting Hall, so that we might to focus our teleportations to a point within the Crafting Hall under the gabled rooftops of House Cannith's enclave?

    TL;DR -

    Can we have the teleport point that currently points to House Kundarak's Crafting Hall point to House Cannith's Crafting Hall, instead?

    I know there's a walk-up teleporter, but my wizard uses mass-transit systems only when his limo drivers are on holiday.

    I'm sure it's in the works, but he's grown fond of short walks from one scene of mayhem and carnage to the next.

  2. #2
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    I'd rather have the house C crafting hall as well.

    The House K one is just too usefully situated to want to take that teleport point away from it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

  4. #4
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
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    I think this might satisfy your request:
    Bring teleport more inline with PnP:
    Player made quests can work in DDO:

  5. #5
    Community Member Mojoronomous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I'd rather have the house C crafting hall as well.

    The House K one is just too usefully situated to want to take that teleport point away from it.
    Yeah, I'd miss the easy 'port to the guild vendors, too... but this suggestion was made with ease of programming in mind. It seems like it'd be easier for them to reset the one teleport location's /loc coordinates than add a whole new teleport point, and they wouldn't even have to change the icons unless they wanted to swap it to House C's.

    Also as it stands, it takes up exactly one hotbar for all the locations. Have you ever seen the unholy mess a level 20 wizard's screen can turn into? Seriously, it looks like a semi-truck carrying a load of hotbars ran over an icon stand and jack-knifed on my monitor.

  6. #6
    Community Member Mojoronomous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradik_Losdar View Post
    I think this might satisfy your request:
    I've seen that and I like it... but have you ever seen the line at the Office of Magical vehicles in Lordsmarch? If a self-driving wagon is that tightly regulated, laws about teleporting have got to be twice as arcane as the spells themselves.

    That solution is certainly more in line with PnP teleport, and would be cool even if they could only drop you off at "load-in points" like right inside shops, taverns, teleporters, or outside them if that doesn't adversely affect server load / movement bugs / etc.

    It would also be more work, almost certainly a lot more... and they only have so many coders to can assign to something that already works - though granted in not the ideal fashion.

    Resetting the current "Crafting Hall Teleport Point" from one spot to another would more likely be "low-hanging fruit" and wouldn't require so much work to get my lazy arcanes and scroll-users off their duffs and into some challenges and House C quests a little faster.

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up House C just makes sense

    Excellent point. Funny - when I teleported to the crafting hall for the first time since the update, I was stunned that I ended up in House K.

    House C, the storyline and the latest updates are all about crafting - artificers, challenge crafting, melting stations, Cannith marks etc. I could have sworn that the House K crafting hall was a band-aid to allow crafting until House C was built. Would seem to make sense to destroy the House K crafting hall, period.

    Agree that the location of the House K point is handy - just doesn't fit the game design or story line. However, why not add the guild vendors as a teleportation point? OK, it isn't a location per se - could add a phone booth ;-) Guilds are another major portion of the game that should be accounted for, not overlooked because it happens to be near the crafting hall.

    Lastly, I don't see a problem with more than 10 points. I just hot-key the oft-used ones, not all - not like I am throwing it in a quest. Would be nice to be able to teleport out of impending doom though... :-D

  8. #8
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mojoronomous View Post
    I've seen that and I like it... but have you ever seen the line at the Office of Magical vehicles in Lordsmarch? If a self-driving wagon is that tightly regulated, laws about teleporting have got to be twice as arcane as the spells themselves.
    This is correct, the twelve controls and forbids free use of magic in the city.
    Stormreach is heavily warded vs. teleportations, etc. despite the multiple breaches of various invaders.

    Now we all want and need fast train to house C, yet they need to patch up their security issues before doing so.
    House K was chosen because it is safe enough due to the vaults and also the ones with the funds

    And it was about time the patrons realized they needed to give us mercs better gear to keep up with all the invasions.
    But only safe recipes are allowed, you can't use your own crafting arts or the stormreach forges.

    Maybe the airship tower in house C make us walk through a scrying device?

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