Are items already made/turned in going to have these added to them? Are we going to be able to stone of change them if not, or will we have to regrind ingredients to get the upgraded versions?

I've made the tier 3 spare hand and mournlode warhammer (yeah yeah I know its less dps than a triple pos oh no the abbot might take a minute longer, sometimes a little flavor is more fun). The belt I haven't bothered to augment yet while warhammer I have with a cheap one, so I'm bracing myself for a little loss there if history lessons provide any foreshadowing but it would be nice not to have to regrind 10800 ingredients. A fair amount soloed too because everyone just seems to love these challenges on my server, they definitely weren't gathered with optimized time efficiency.

Also was going to soon turn in ingredients for the L16 rock boots to play with on a TR. Why not they look like they might be fun but if they're going to have a missing +3 craftable I, and everyone else, midaswell just wait.

Lastly, I noticed when I augmented warhammer the item stayed bound to account. Will filling augments/craftable slots keep these items bound to account or will that be changing to bound to character?