Ok, I have a capped 18/1/1 ranger/fighter/barb that i am currently starting to gear up. I have an idea of what is good for dps, but would love a hand.
This is what i am thinking:
Head : Epic Helm of Frost / Epic Red Dragon Helm
Goggles : Tharnes / 45hp triple earth GS
Neck : Shintao
Trinket : Epic Bloodstone
Cloak : Epic Envenomed w/ slotted toughness
Belt : Ravagers
Ring1 : Shintao
Ring2 : Ravager
Gloves : Epic Gloves of the Claw / Epic Charged Gauntlets
Bracers : Epic Bracers of the Claw
Boots : Madstone / Epic Boots of Corrosion
Body : Epic Red Dragonscale
Weapons : Min II Khops, Lit II Khops, Radiance Khops, and a good/good healing amp undead beater. Might go for some EChaosblades.
Anything wrong/bad/improveable?