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Pretty much like the title says, i want my inventory slots back.
I used to carry around status ailments pots (for poison, disease, lesser restore, blindness, csw, remove curse), then i added wands just to be on the safe side and once my UMD allowed it i packed heal, restoration and raise dead scrolls too.
Since heal covers almost everything else, maybe it's time for me to ditch disease/poison/blindness pots/wands and just use heal scrolls when necessary?
What do you experienced UMDers carry on you to cover "healing" needs?
Is there any particular reason to carry something other than heal/restoration/raise dead scrolls, a neutralize poison clicky and a stack of remove curse pots (and come cure-something wands and pots)?
Thanks for the answers.
PS: Rogue here if someone is wondering or finds it relevant to the topic.