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  1. #1
    Community Member Osco's Avatar
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    Default "Half-Not" Artificer build

    Hey folks, I'm seriously considering dropping the TP for Artificer, and have been perusing the boards looking for builds. However, many (most?) choose Half-Elf or WF, neither of which I have. I was thinking dwarf at first just for thematic purposes (I love dorfs) but I'd rather go ranged than melee: it's the repeating crossbow and steampunk vibe that really does it for me.

    I have 32pt builds and vet status. I suppose if I go Human the dragonmark of Making would er... make sense. If anyone could point me toward a non-helf/non-WF ranged build, I'd be greatly appreciative.


  2. #2
    Community Member djsonar919's Avatar
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    Whatever race you decide to choose, just max intell put what you want into dex and add the rest to con. if you're a fleshie then you'll want Construct Essence as one of your feats. I have gone through 3 arti lives already. This combination worked for every race that I chose.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    as an add-on, bear in mind that improved precise shot requires 19 base dexterity (tomes and level-ups count, other buffs do not).

    so if you want improved precise shot, you'll be wanting to make sure you have enough dexterity for it.

  4. #4
    Community Member Myrddinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    as an add-on, bear in mind that improved precise shot requires 19 base dexterity (tomes and level-ups count, other buffs do not).

    so if you want improved precise shot, you'll be wanting to make sure you have enough dexterity for it.
    And, you will want Improved Precise Shot

    16 points in DEX (which you will want high anyway for your Attack Bonus) with 1 level up and +2 tome will get you to 19. Unfortunately, on a pure Atry, you will not have the BAB for IPS until level 15
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  5. #5
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Halfling has a few charms:
    • 32-pt build can qualify for Improved Precise Shot with just a +1 tome, but still have enough stat points to max intelligence and have a solid constitution (too bad about carrying capacity, though).
    • Heroic Companion is usable even when you solo.
    • Your dog is bigger than you. This has interesting consequences for the laws of thermodynamics, since you can put your dog into your backpack on a whim.

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Default is my human pure ranged artificer build. I'm playing it right now and it isn't too bad. I miss the half-elf perks though from rogue dilettante (+4 saves vs traps, +1 dex enhancement, +3d6 sneak attack).

    I think the next artificer I do will also be a human but will be a melee bastard sword build. That build is also in the above thread.

  7. #7
    Community Member Osco's Avatar
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    Hey wax, I read through your thread and think I'll try your Einstein build. I'm waiting to see if arti goes on sale for Christmas now. 20% off would be nearly 200 TP

  8. #8
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Blah, now see what you've started, Wax? Take the most obvious build for a class, give it an inappropriate name before anyone else names it, and the name sticks.

    Einstein was a brilliant theoretical physicist. He didn't build stuff.

    There are countless brilliant scientists and engineers in the history of technology who did build stuff. In that thread, someone else suggested "J. F. Sebastian" (fictional character, but he's probably better known than any real genetic designer). Personally, I like "Tesla" for the maxed-intelligence artificer, given his uncanny understanding of electricity and machines.

  9. #9
    Community Member Osco's Avatar
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    You could call it "Edison" but then he just took credit for all his underlings' work.

  10. #10
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    could call it the tesla. The rune arm is kinda like that coil. heh my bad for the necro. I just like all them old inventors. A nice build as well.
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  11. #11
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    Dwarf is good because the con can help just a little bit with the low hp on an arty.

    You probably shouldn't go elf or drow for the same reason.
    Last edited by savingsoul; 02-07-2012 at 05:10 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbadoc View Post
    Blah, now see what you've started, Wax? Take the most obvious build for a class, give it an inappropriate name before anyone else names it, and the name sticks.

    Einstein was a brilliant theoretical physicist. He didn't build stuff.

    There are countless brilliant scientists and engineers in the history of technology who did build stuff. In that thread, someone else suggested "J. F. Sebastian" (fictional character, but he's probably better known than any real genetic designer). Personally, I like "Tesla" for the maxed-intelligence artificer, given his uncanny understanding of electricity and machines.
    I've even addressed that in the thread, plenty of movies where Einstein is a practical minded hero exactly like my Einstein build, built for academic stuff (crafting) but competent at practical stuff (adventuring).

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by djsonar919 View Post
    Whatever race you decide to choose, just max intell put what you want into dex and add the rest to con. if you're a fleshie then you'll want Construct Essence as one of your feats.
    This, except absolutely do not keep construct essence once you're able to scroll heal yourself. The loss in divine healing is too significant compared to the negligible amount of arcane healing granted. Taking the feat tells anyone would otherwise heal you that you don't want their help. In ugly situations where you need healing fast, your reconstruct will be weak, your scrolls will be weak, and divines will put your soulstone in their backpack.

    Choosing a race other than wf or helf, I'm thinking halfling. +dex for improved precise, -str not affecting anything but carrying capacity, and similar sneak attack to the helf.
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  14. #14
    Community Member andreascott89's Avatar
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    If you did dwarf, would master's touch give access to dwarves axe??

  15. #15
    Community Member Cloista's Avatar
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    Yes it would.

    I'm considering Dwarf for a Melee arti once I've finished my WF ranged Arti, due to having some nice stuff for fleshie melee/casters.
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