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  1. #21
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    Inactive players are a bit of a pain but they don't hurt you at all. Kicking them does.
    You are SO wrong. They add to the guild account numbers and once you pass 50 accounts, it helps addd to the renown decay. See 'Guild renown decay formula' here and notice '(LevelMultiplier * AccountMultiplier)'. They may not lose you renown from being inactive but the DO lose you renown from being a part of your account size. And once you pass 100 accounts, the renown decay puts you in the position of having to quest only for renown to even keep up with it.

    So kicking them only hurts for 2 weeks. Leaving them there hurts as long as they remain.

    To the OP- I would be ok with it if your suggestion was more than cosmetic (and it is since officers can do that already)

  2. #22
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    Default much needed

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamSmith View Post
    I would like to see the guild ranks feature fixed with the following additions:

    1) Guild Leaders should be able to designate which members can A) recruit additional members, B) expel existing members, C) promote members to officers, and D) replace guild airship amenties.

    This is needed very badly in my opinion /signed a billion times over

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    You are SO wrong. They add to the guild account numbers and once you pass 50 accounts, it helps addd to the renown decay. See 'Guild renown decay formula' here and notice '(LevelMultiplier * AccountMultiplier)'. They may not lose you renown from being inactive but the DO lose you renown from being a part of your account size. And once you pass 100 accounts, the renown decay puts you in the position of having to quest only for renown to even keep up with it.

    So kicking them only hurts for 2 weeks. Leaving them there hurts as long as they remain.

    To the OP- I would be ok with it if your suggestion was more than cosmetic (and it is since officers can do that already)
    you are wrong sir look at modifed account size is what very small bonus small bonus and medium bonus goes off of. So the INACTIVE does not hurt. Its the people who have active accounts that are ruuning other toons in different servers/ different guilds on same server that hurts.

    A lot of people have multiple toons in multiple guilds and that hurts more than anything else.

    The easiest way to level a guild isn't having a ton of players I joined a guild with my friend we only have 6 members and 2 inactive because our friends are in afganistan atm and we are getting a very small guild bonus atm max and our guild is level 82 thus far. I only play 1 hr a day and so does most of our guild we have 1 member who is a TR freak that plays 6hrs a day.

    hope I made my point if not at least I tried

  4. #24
    Community Member Thanquil's Avatar
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    Default you might have made a mistake

    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    You are SO wrong. They add to the guild account numbers and once you pass 50 accounts, it helps addd to the renown decay. See 'Guild renown decay formula' here and notice '(LevelMultiplier * AccountMultiplier)'. They may not lose you renown from being inactive but the DO lose you renown from being a part of your account size. And once you pass 100 accounts, the renown decay puts you in the position of having to quest only for renown to even keep up with it.

    So kicking them only hurts for 2 weeks. Leaving them there hurts as long as they remain.

    To the OP- I would be ok with it if your suggestion was more than cosmetic (and it is since officers can do that already)
    I went to ddowiki and I am now confused by your post I think you might have read it wrong.

    as to this thread /signed awesome idea

  5. #25
    Community Member DaSawks's Avatar
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    All good ideas. Here is the problem. How does Turbine win? How can they make money off this? Never gonna happen and even if it does it will not be free.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    No, although VIP players do get free Gold rolls on Daily Dice, so that might fit into your criteria. But when it comes to chest drops, chain rewards, general Daily Dice rolls (what number you get), etc., VIP does not confer additional "luck".

  6. #26
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    You are SO wrong. They add to the guild account numbers and once you pass 50 accounts, it helps addd to the renown decay. See 'Guild renown decay formula' here and notice '(LevelMultiplier * AccountMultiplier)'. They may not lose you renown from being inactive but the DO lose you renown from being a part of your account size. And once you pass 100 accounts, the renown decay puts you in the position of having to quest only for renown to even keep up with it.

    So kicking them only hurts for 2 weeks. Leaving them there hurts as long as they remain.

    To the OP- I would be ok with it if your suggestion was more than cosmetic (and it is since officers can do that already)
    Read it again... AccountMultiplier... Thats all accounts in guild. Active and nonactive. I dont know why you argue when you obviously haven't tried dumping inactive accounts... NOT TOONS... Accounts. And if you have a forum, you can get everyone to *register* their toons so you can see which is just some one neglecting one toon for another or an entire account gone awol.

    Edit: This has more of an effect on guilds with 100+ accounts. NOT TOONS... accounts.

  7. #27
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    You are SO wrong.

    Actually, he's not. Active accounts count towards your guild size and decay. Recent departures count. Inactive accounts do not count.
    A PUG is like a box of chocolates
    Get people to read your post.

  8. #28
    Community Member Slimeball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    You are SO wrong. They add to the guild account numbers and once you pass 50 accounts, it helps addd to the renown decay. See 'Guild renown decay formula' here and notice '(LevelMultiplier * AccountMultiplier)'. They may not lose you renown from being inactive but the DO lose you renown from being a part of your account size. And once you pass 100 accounts, the renown decay puts you in the position of having to quest only for renown to even keep up with it.

    So kicking them only hurts for 2 weeks. Leaving them there hurts as long as they remain.

    To the OP- I would be ok with it if your suggestion was more than cosmetic (and it is since officers can do that already)

    just wanted to let you know that you are wrong Inactive accounts DO NOT HURT YOU IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. only ACTIVE accounts will hurt you. if someone hasn't logged on their toon in 5 months doesn't mean his ACCOUNT isn't active. so that player counts as ACTIVE in your guild. player 1 is in your guild and hasn't been on in 5 month player 1 also has a toon in a different guild and hasn't been online in 2hrs this means he is a Active account and will cause your guild decay.

    Player 2 is in ONLY your guild and hasn't been logged on in 5 months and is considered inactive He will NOT cause any guild decay. He also SUBTRACTS the number of members in your guild and gives you a Modified guild size.

    modified guild size gives you a + or - to guild size

    Inactive = - to guild size
    recent departure = + to guild size
    who stole my brain?

  9. #29
    Community Member Slimeball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post
    Read it again... AccountMultiplier... Thats all accounts in guild. Active and nonactive. I dont know why you argue when you obviously haven't tried dumping inactive accounts... NOT TOONS... Accounts. And if you have a forum, you can get everyone to *register* their toons so you can see which is just some one neglecting one toon for another or an entire account gone awol.

    Edit: This has more of an effect on guilds with 100+ accounts. NOT TOONS... accounts.

    I read it again appears you are still wrong.
    who stole my brain?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slimeball View Post
    just wanted to let you know that you are wrong Inactive accounts DO NOT HURT YOU IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.
    For small and medium guilds you are correct. For large guilds that hit the member cap all the time and have a waiting list of people who want to join up, like mine, inactive accounts take up slots that could go to players who are actually playing the game and earning renown. Therefore they MUST be kicked and that hurts, but only for awhile. Still, it has to be done.
    Last edited by Tshober; 05-25-2012 at 02:50 PM.

  11. #31
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post

    I am all for custom guild ranks but not interested in knowing exactly how much each toon has contributed or being able to know all the toons of an account.

    And our guild is made of just friends I know every person in my guild personally. AND I often don't know who a new toon belongs to, and I still don't want an easy button for it.

    The potential for griefing at large is just too much to risk. I have seen some guild breakups and they aren't pretty.
    Well, I definitely not need to know how much renown one pulled as a guild leader, especially not as long as the guild makes progress.

    But on the other side - especially after guild breakups - it would be helpful to know which character belong to which account, instead of having some old left overs hanging there for the eternity. Or players that long left and didn't returned and probably never will. Or the ability to know if one player is online on one of his alts, in case I need an officer (e.g. an airship amenity has timed out). The more characters are in the guild, the more this get important.

    This has nothing to do with griefing, nor do I exactly need to know which account it is (just block alts by account and iterate the background color), but more with the ability to clean up your own roster to keep it small and simple.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  12. #32
    Community Member Kawai's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    On a serious note though, yes, its needed. It's a basic security system with flexible authorities that are needed. Give us up to 10 ranks we can rename and then a set of authorities for each we assign by check box. Some guilds would still run with 3 ranks and be happy, others might use all 10 and set up specialized roles, but that way people can manage their guilds as they want.
    That means i would probably b promoted to Coffee Maker and get stuck with the dishez everyday. }
    -Tarelyn ~Achillesia, Thelanis

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