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Thread: My first cleric

  1. #1
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Default My first cleric

    Soon i'm gonna cap my 2nd monk and was thinking into what to tr him. I already have a rogue, a monk and a wizard so, it's time to try something new

    I love to research a class and cleric has a lot of info. Checked a lot of threads. Here are few i found pretty useful:
    The All Cleric Links Thread (
    Pallai's Guide to Building Clerics- How to roll a Cleric you like! (
    The Path to Enlightenment (

    I have only two guideliness for this build:
    1) i want to melee
    2) i want to heal if needed. to reliably fill in healer spot if needed, including end game raids.

    Yes, the guidelines are in order of importance

    I'm pretty sure i forgot few things, but you'll get the idea. I really like how this looks, but i've no idea how it will be in reallity.
    18Clr/2mnk Lawful Neutral Human

    Starting stats (34 point build, past life Monk):

    STR: 15 +2 tome at lvl. 7)
    DEX: 15 (+2 tome at lvl. 7)
    CON: 14 (+2 tome at lvl. 7)
    INT: 8
    WIS: 15 ((lvl ups, +2 tome at lvl. 7)
    CHA: 12 (+2 tome at lvl. 7)
    Feat selection:

    1. (Clr) Power attack, Emp. Heal
    3. (Mnk) Emp., TWF
    4. (Mnk) Toughness
    6. (Clr) Maximize
    9. (Clr) ITWF
    12. (Clr) IC:Bludgeon
    15. (Clr) Quicken
    18. (Clr) GTWF

    Max Concetration and UMD (will probably have enough for fire shield scrolls)
    Enhancements at lvl 20:

    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I
    Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing I
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
    Enhancement: Improved Heal I
    Enhancement: Improved Heal II
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Smiting I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Smiting I
    Enhancement: Cleric Smiting II
    Enhancement: Cleric Smiting III
    Enhancement: Cleric Smiting IV
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma I
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom III
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery III

    Armor: Garments of Equilibrium

    Head: Epic Helm of Frost (+1exc con)
    Goggles: GS Conc Opp
    Neckalce: Torc
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak (toughness)
    Gloves: Epic Brawling Gloves (+1exc con)
    Bracers: GS MinII
    Belt: Morgana's Belt
    Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion (good luck, +1exc wis)

    Trinket: Litany of the Dead

    Ring1: Morgana's Ring (+6 wis, +1 exc str, holy burst)
    Ring2: Rogue's or Ranger's ToD rings (one with +2exc str, other with +2exc wis, to swap as needed)
    End Stats:

    STR: 17 +7item +1exc +2exc +3prof +2guild = 32 (34 in fire stance)
    DEX: 17 +6item +1prof +2guild = 26
    CON: 17 +7item +1excp +1prof +2guild = 28
    INT: 8
    WIS: 26 +6item +1exc +2exc +1prof +2guild = 38 (40 in ocean stance)
    CHA: 16 +7item +1prof +2guild = 26

    HP: 522 (542 in mountain stance)
    SP: 1700+

    Number of turns: 15 (3 + 8cha +2enh +2tod set)

    The main idea is to be in melee range of enemies, so that conc opp and torc procs and also healing alies with auras and bursts, but also not to have problems to stay back and heal if it's needed and, if the SP pool permits it, DoT.

    I still feel there is place for improvement, so any feedback is welcome.

    At the moment, im wondering if i should swap IC:Bludgeon with Stunning Fist, which DC could go over 50 with Epic Spare Hand belt.
    Last edited by destiny4405; 11-28-2011 at 12:02 PM.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    The general consensus from people that have played a variety of melee capable divines is that melee + healing is a bit of a waste of a clerics potential. Reallocating the level ups from strength into wisdom loses an insignificant amount of AB/DPS compared to the awesomeness that is offensive casting on a cleric.

    The conclusion that I keep arriving back at is that hybrid or caster build is the way to go. Caster build sounds like it is out for you as you want to be melee capable but perhaps hybrid can work for you.

    There are 2 basic options for a hybrid.
    Option 1. Either 20 cleric or 19 cleric / 1 fighter or barbarian. ~Stats: 14 strength, 14 con, 18 wisdom. ~Feats: PA, IC:S are the only melee feats that you need, then toughness, Maximise, Empower, Heighten, Quicken, Empower Healing.
    Option 2. Monk splashed cleric (which sounds like what you're looking for). Half-elf with rogue dilettante is ideal for the extra sneak DPS. 17 cleric, 2 monk, 1 fighter is ideal, imo, for bonus feats and haste boost (among other things). GTWF'ing is possible. Stunning Fist is crucial on this build and it is easily possible to get up to 50 DC. AB is the weak spot but it can be made up for by epic spectrals or epic ravens sight (for example). Stats are a bit tricky, DMII/III or not DMII/III being the main question.

  3. #3
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    The general consensus from people that have played a variety of melee capable divines is that melee + healing is a bit of a waste of a clerics potential. Reallocating the level ups from strength into wisdom loses an insignificant amount of AB/DPS compared to the awesomeness that is offensive casting on a cleric.

    The conclusion that I keep arriving back at is that hybrid or caster build is the way to go. Caster build sounds like it is out for you as you want to be melee capable but perhaps hybrid can work for you.

    There are 2 basic options for a hybrid.
    Option 1. Either 20 cleric or 19 cleric / 1 fighter or barbarian. ~Stats: 14 strength, 14 con, 18 wisdom. ~Feats: PA, IC:S are the only melee feats that you need, then toughness, Maximise, Empower, Heighten, Quicken, Empower Healing.
    Option 2. Monk splashed cleric (which sounds like what you're looking for). Half-elf with rogue dilettante is ideal for the extra sneak DPS. 17 cleric, 2 monk, 1 fighter is ideal, imo, for bonus feats and haste boost (among other things). GTWF'ing is possible. Stunning Fist is crucial on this build and it is easily possible to get up to 50 DC. AB is the weak spot but it can be made up for by epic spectrals or epic ravens sight (for example). Stats are a bit tricky, DMII/III or not DMII/III being the main question.
    i am for the hybrid melee variant, but i don't really care for offensive casting (got my wizard for that, and i don't like it too much ). i don't mind putting lvl ups into wisdom, but that would be only for SP and not for spell dcs. maybe i could start with 16 wis, but that would mean lowering str and cha, and i'm not sure if it's worth it.

    the first variant of this build was 17clr/2mnk/1fig, but i couldn't find a way to get my SP to more comfortable heights. like this, i'm only pot away from pure clerics, which isn't a dealbreaker for me, as i wouldn't mind drinking it.

    CHA is nice for DM II and for more bursts and auras. And DMs

    i really considered other races, but one extra feat is huge for this build, so i don't think i'll change it.
    Last edited by destiny4405; 11-27-2011 at 01:08 AM.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  4. #4
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by destiny4405 View Post
    i am for the hybrid melee variant, but i don't really care for offensive casting (got my wizard for that, and i don't like it too much ). i don't mind putting lvl ups into wisdom, but that would be only for SP and not for spell dcs. maybe i could start with 16 wis, but that would mean lowering str and cha, and i'm not sure if it's worth it.

    the first variant of this build was 17clr/2mnk/1fig, but i couldn't find a way to get my SP to more comfortable heights. like this, i'm only pot away from pure clerics, which isn't a dealbreaker for me, as i wouldn't mind drinking it.

    CHA is nice for DM II and for more bursts and auras. And DMs

    i really considered other races, but one extra feat is huge for this build, so i don't think i'll change it.
    If you do the monk splashed build then level ups into wisdom are helping your AC (60+ is easily achievable, theres a build with a similar split floating around with 105 AC), stunning fist DC (45-50 is reasonably possible), SPs and spell DCs. Offensive casting on a cleric is very different to a wizard but situationally it's very powerful. Particularly blade barrier is just awesome fun.

    A half-elf can do the level split and the feats fine and the +3d6 sneak attack is just too good to give up.
    7 base: Two Weapon Fighting, Maximise, Empower Healing, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Empower, Quicken
    2 monk: Toughness, Stunning Fist
    1 fighter: Greater Two Weapon Fighting

    Empower, Maximise, Empower Healing all apply to Radiant Servant Burst for free which is awesome. Empower and Maximise on Divine Punishment is a crucial aspect to your DPS.

    Improved Critical: Bludgeoning isn't taken as it doesn't give a huge DPS boost for handwraps due to the horrible threat profile (so it's 5% DPS bonus vs 0 fort enemies, less vs higher). This is a very simple equation for the half-elf vs human question and the half-elf will win hands down (3d6 sneak attack >>>> IC:B).

    Heighten is skipped (but it doesn't sound like this would bother you, I had heighten on my clonk instead of empower before DP was added).

    On my clonk I had quite a high charisma which gave me a really good amount of bursts and DMIII so I could either do a majority of healing with my bursts or use DM for extra damage or both (in shorter fights). 16 starting wisdom is fine if you are going to use the extra points to start with a higher charisma (as you end up with more healing overall so it helps your SP pool issues).

  5. #5
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    If you do the monk splashed build then level ups into wisdom are helping your AC (60+ is easily achievable, theres a build with a similar split floating around with 105 AC), stunning fist DC (45-50 is reasonably possible), SPs and spell DCs. Offensive casting on a cleric is very different to a wizard but situationally it's very powerful. Particularly blade barrier is just awesome fun.

    A half-elf can do the level split and the feats fine and the +3d6 sneak attack is just too good to give up.
    7 base: Two Weapon Fighting, Maximise, Empower Healing, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Empower, Quicken
    2 monk: Toughness, Stunning Fist
    1 fighter: Greater Two Weapon Fighting

    Empower, Maximise, Empower Healing all apply to Radiant Servant Burst for free which is awesome. Empower and Maximise on Divine Punishment is a crucial aspect to your DPS.

    Improved Critical: Bludgeoning isn't taken as it doesn't give a huge DPS boost for handwraps due to the horrible threat profile (so it's 5% DPS bonus vs 0 fort enemies, less vs higher). This is a very simple equation for the half-elf vs human question and the half-elf will win hands down (3d6 sneak attack >>>> IC:B).

    Heighten is skipped (but it doesn't sound like this would bother you, I had heighten on my clonk instead of empower before DP was added).

    On my clonk I had quite a high charisma which gave me a really good amount of bursts and DMIII so I could either do a majority of healing with my bursts or use DM for extra damage or both (in shorter fights). 16 starting wisdom is fine if you are going to use the extra points to start with a higher charisma (as you end up with more healing overall so it helps your SP pool issues).
    thanks for the sound advice. i won't bother with AC at the endgame, but i guess it's pretty nice while leveling.

    i know that all metas affect radiant bursts. that's why i took them all

    IC and SA both suffer from the more fortificated enemies, but even on 100% fort, IC still gives me twice more effects from damage that is generated on criticals. i'm gonna consider race some more.

    did you have any issues healing with your clonk? that's what i'm most interested in.
    Last edited by destiny4405; 11-27-2011 at 09:46 AM.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by destiny4405 View Post
    thanks for the sound advice. i won't bother with AC at the endgame, but i guess it's pretty nice while leveling.

    i know that all metas affect radiant bursts. that's why i took them all

    IC and SA both suffer from the more fortificated enemies, but even on 100% fort, IC still gives me twice more effects from damage that is generated on criticals. i'm gonna consider race some more.

    did you have any issues healing with your clonk? that's what i'm most interested in.
    100% fort enemies aren't the issue as a majority of these are undead which get (radiant servant) blasted. The rest will go down quickly to handwraps which are so strong against 100% fort enemies.

    The real weak point in the clonk DPS is against 0% fort mobs. Against these you can stun them and then the sneak attack will be brutal. 3d6 sneak attack could be a 20% DPS boost or more.

    Even at end game a 60 or 70 AC is useful for wandering around in a lot of content (not a priority though obviously).

    Healing end game raids is a learning experience whichever way you look at it. You'll have some additional challenges with your low SP pool but youll have some advantages with evasion and good survivability. If you learn to scroll heal and rely on bursts as much as possible then you'll be fine. Gear will be important of course (bauble for instance).

  7. #7
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    100% fort enemies aren't the issue as a majority of these are undead which get (radiant servant) blasted. The rest will go down quickly to handwraps which are so strong against 100% fort enemies.

    The real weak point in the clonk DPS is against 0% fort mobs. Against these you can stun them and then the sneak attack will be brutal. 3d6 sneak attack could be a 20% DPS boost or more.

    Even at end game a 60 or 70 AC is useful for wandering around in a lot of content (not a priority though obviously).

    Healing end game raids is a learning experience whichever way you look at it. You'll have some additional challenges with your low SP pool but youll have some advantages with evasion and good survivability. If you learn to scroll heal and rely on bursts as much as possible then you'll be fine. Gear will be important of course (bauble for instance).
    again, ty. very helpfull. i had some practice with my rogue on scroll healing and repairing

    any good substitutes for tod belt ardor clickies? wouldnt want to loose 2 turn atempts, when i swap them.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  8. #8
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by destiny4405 View Post
    again, ty. very helpfull. i had some practice with my rogue on scroll healing and repairing

    any good substitutes for tod belt ardor clickies? wouldnt want to loose 2 turn atempts, when i swap them.
    No substitutes for superior ardor VIII clickies from amrath; they are the bees knees.

    Especially before you expand your SP pool you'll probably be best off doing 95% of your raid healing alternating mass heal and blast. This won't be enough for all content but you should stay away from that until you've got a handle on things. In this situation you dont need ardor VIII. Epic Chainmail Coif I believe has devotion IX which is a great item if you can get the parts for it. Otherwise superior ardor VI clickies work great for RS moves, heal and MCLW/MCMW. With the rebalance of spell SP costs MCMW is very SP efficient so it is fine to use this as a fall back spell.

    Try not to develop any hard and fast rules when healing. All mass cure spells are useful from time to time and heal and mass heal too.

  9. #9
    Community Member MalikiGoddess's Avatar
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    If you're wanting to run end game content on this toon, and you want a healing melee, I would suggest going with an actual melee toon who can do a bit of healing. Perhaps, a cleric or FvS dilli. Unless you have a guild who runs a lot of end game content and will know the builds capabilities, bringing along your melee specced healer to PUG end game content is a bad idea. Taking up a healer or DPS spot when you actually can't do either to full capacity is gimping a party of people who were probably prepared to have an actual healer or a DPS. Unless you are ready to chug mana pots, I would advise choosing a side.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalikiGoddess View Post
    If you're wanting to run end game content on this toon, and you want a healing melee, I would suggest going with an actual melee toon who can do a bit of healing. Perhaps, a cleric or FvS dilli. Unless you have a guild who runs a lot of end game content and will know the builds capabilities, bringing along your melee specced healer to PUG end game content is a bad idea. Taking up a healer or DPS spot when you actually can't do either to full capacity is gimping a party of people who were probably prepared to have an actual healer or a DPS. Unless you are ready to chug mana pots, I would advise choosing a side.

    A melee Cleric can heal just the same only with a few less spell points. About one mana pots worth at a cost of 12-15 cents from the DDO store. This guy even took some bad enhancements to try to make up for lack of sp:

    Enhancements at lvl 20:

    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing I - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing II - delete
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III- maybe
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma I - delete (just for odd number items then delete with +6 item)
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma II - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning III - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning IV - delete

    Delete because cost too much in points for the return. Enhancement points better spent elsewhere.

    All those pts for Divine Might1-2 and you don't take Human Versatility tiers 1-2 for +2 to +3 in damage??? (can be used for attacks to offset power attack or saves too). It is great early at low lvl. I would have one pt in this for a pure cleric and more for a cleric melee. They can be traded out at high lvl if u need the points for something else. Tier 1 is a great buy.

    Take the Cleric Smiting 1-4 for divine punishment, maybe the critical smite lines tiers 1-2+. Divine Punishment will be your main raid/boss weapon. Use it first for 3 stacks and hang back and heal the tank (or aggro melee). After you cast DP 3 times, and you are not a main healer in a group (2 mains for a raid) then get in there and melee/heal.

    BTW if you are a main healer in a group be careful with DP and BB not to pull aggro off the tanks/melees at high lvl.
    Last edited by Firesmall_at; 11-27-2011 at 11:05 PM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firesmall_at View Post

    A melee Cleric can heal just the same only with a few less spell points. About one mana pots worth at a cost of 12-15 cents from the DDO store. This guy even took some bad enhancements to try to make up for lack of sp:

    Enhancements at lvl 20:

    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing I - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing II - delete
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I- what is this
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III- maybe
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma I - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Charisma II - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom III
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might I
    Enhancement: Cleric Divine Might II
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning III - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning IV - delete
    Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I

    Take the Cleric Smiting 1-4
    this is a melee cleric. with already limited sp pool, i don't see myself doting.

    way of the patient tortoise is monk enhancements. gives +1 concetration and +5 hp. needed it to get minimal ap requirements for other enhancements.
    why delete emp heal? helps me save some sp.
    racial toughness is needed, because this build lacks a spot for gs hp item.
    cleric charisma I and II are needed for RS pre.
    extra turnings for more bursts.

    not sure if you read what i wanted from this build...

    EDIT: maybe healing crit lines are better then emp healing?
    Last edited by destiny4405; 11-27-2011 at 09:54 PM.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  12. #12
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalikiGoddess View Post
    If you're wanting to run end game content on this toon, and you want a healing melee, I would suggest going with an actual melee toon who can do a bit of healing. Perhaps, a cleric or FvS dilli. Unless you have a guild who runs a lot of end game content and will know the builds capabilities, bringing along your melee specced healer to PUG end game content is a bad idea. Taking up a healer or DPS spot when you actually can't do either to full capacity is gimping a party of people who were probably prepared to have an actual healer or a DPS. Unless you are ready to chug mana pots, I would advise choosing a side.
    i dont PUG at all. almost everything i run is with guildies, or with people i know. if i healer spot, i would take that role quite seriously and wouldn't mind drinking pots. aside from lover SP pool and lover crit chance on healing spells, i have everything a healing spec'ed cleric has. maybe i'll even end up with few more bursts/auras.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by destiny4405 View Post
    this is a melee cleric. with already limited sp pool, i don't see myself doting.

    way of the patient tortoise is monk enhancements. gives +1 concetration and +5 hp. needed it to get minimal ap requirements for other enhancements.
    why delete emp heal? helps me save some sp.
    racial toughness is needed, because this build lacks a spot for gs hp item.
    cleric charisma I and II are needed for RS pre.
    extra turnings for more bursts.

    not sure if you read what i wanted from this build...

    EDIT: maybe healing crit lines are better then emp healing?

    Divine Punishment is the most power spell in the Cleric or Melee Cleric arsenal. There is no saving throw against it.

    When you are in a healer role... heal and don't use DP.

    But........ when you are going to melee and pull aggro use DP too. Your melee will always suck by itself. But with both DP and Melee (with your cleric spell buffs) with that monk evasion you will rock ta house.

    Critical healing lines are bad. You will over heal without them. Don't waste the points on them.

    For turns. They regenerate over time. The 3 enhancement points to boost CHR for one extra turn is not worth it. Extra turning tiers 3-4 are too expensive for 1-2 extra turns. With a Charisma item +6 you will have plenty.

    Investment in the Smite lines 1-4 are much more important. Maybe the critical smite also. You need DP because sometimes the enemy does not kite through your blade barriers and they will prob save for half damage if they do.

    Your crowd control and offensive casting is cheaper than your healing spells. A strong offensive is more effective in this game than a strong defense. But, when you are the main healer it is your job to use that mana to heal. When you are not the main healer and in a more offensive role your spell points are better used offensively to stun and deal damage.

    The classic area effect double punch at mid-levels is a blade barrier with a firewall cutting through the middle of it.

    For low level soundburst with metas off is so dam cheap always use it in a mob or if it does not work command.
    Soundburst is sooooo much cheaper than cures at low lvl. Stunning them goes a longer way than curing your party members from the damage they took.

    __________________________________________________ _______

    With a Superior Brilliance V item and all metas your (DP) Divine Punishment will do

    Average 100 pts every 2 secs for 16 secs ticking off with no save against.

    Now after the cool downs (10secs) you stack 2 more.

    0 100 pts
    2 100 pts
    4 100 pts
    6 100 pts
    8 100 pts
    10 100 pts (+100 critical with critical tiers - 9%/x2)
    12 200 pts (2 DPs stacked)
    14 200 pts
    16 200 pts
    18 100 pts
    20 100 pts
    22 200 pts (2 DPs stacked) (+100 critical with critical tiers - 9%/x2)
    24 200 pts
    26 200 pts
    28 100 pts
    30 100 pts
    32 100 pts (+100 critical with critical tiers - 9%/x2)
    34 100 pts
    36 100 pts

    This look right? (2500-2800 points)

    Sometimes the boss runs right at you. They do not like Divine Punishment. So have your best moderate/heavy fortification on or evasion will help in your case.

    Oh I forgot to add in your melee damage.

    And DP is great for pulling bosses off the wizard, so you don't have to raise dead.
    Last edited by Firesmall_at; 11-28-2011 at 12:27 AM.
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  14. #14
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by destiny4405 View Post
    this is a melee cleric. with already limited sp pool, i don't see myself doting.

    way of the patient tortoise is monk enhancements. gives +1 concetration and +5 hp. needed it to get minimal ap requirements for other enhancements.
    why delete emp heal? helps me save some sp.
    racial toughness is needed, because this build lacks a spot for gs hp item.
    cleric charisma I and II are needed for RS pre.
    extra turnings for more bursts.

    not sure if you read what i wanted from this build...

    EDIT: maybe healing crit lines are better then emp healing?
    DoTing is absolutely essential for your DPS. You won't have the SP to do it all the time but figuring out when you can and when you can't is part of the learning experience of playing a divine. Therefore, max damage in smiting line with 1 point in crit damage/chance is a very solid investment. There are plenty of opportunities where there is a shrine before the boss or what have you where you can SP dump on the boss.

    Goggles should be conc-opp HP item. SP GS item can be a swap item in another slot (as you'll burn most of the 150 bonus just buffing).

    Load up on as many HP as you can from as many different sources as possible. You can't heal when you're dead and you're one of the best characters in the game to save a raid wipe between your superior survivability and cleric spells.

    Extra Turning I and II are ok, I'd not go further than that though.

    Max the healing base damage but again only 1 point in healing crit damage/chance. More isn't needed as usually it will just be overhealing. It's fine to put extra points here though if they are spare as they apply to your radiant servant abilities which usually won't be wasted (on aura for instance).

    While leveling I'd suggest way of the clever monkey. Your reflex is a bit low and it will help against traps.

    At least the first rank in improved empower heal/maximise/empower is quite a good investment. A second point in improved empower healing isn't a bad idea as it applies to mass heal which at end game will be a majority of your healing until you get geared.

  15. #15
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    ty for the feedback. going back to the drawing board to redo enhancements and gear a bit. stats probably also.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firesmall_at View Post
    And DP is great for pulling bosses off the wizard, so you don't have to raise dead.
    i lol'd
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  16. #16
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    revised build a bit. all feedback is welcome.
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  17. #17
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    Looks pretty good. I like it.

    I like the level ups in WIS. Some might not. I like when my blade barriers are not saved against at mid-lvl. Cometfall. Implosion... oh yeah.

    Improved Empower healing II is expensive. 4 enhancement points for a 1 pt savings. Nah. As a splash cleric your SP might be low anyway with all you can do, and you said u were willing to drink pots.

    The mana pots come in handy when you run lvl 18-20 quests with only 16 lvls of Cleric on a lvl 18 toon. No Mass Heal, so more buffed Mass Cures with metas if u have pots. Saying u have mana pots will get you invites. Just don't brag about how many you have or the other healers will pike too much.

    Try human versatility tiers 1-2. It is +3. That is like adding 6 stat points to your build for 20 seconds. It uses different action points than Class action points (Ie. does not use fighter haste boost action points). Use it for attack at low lvl to offset -5 to hit from power attack, and damage at mid-level to kick butt. Can bump up Saving throws too. Just hot key it to your e key or q key and it is easy to get to if u find yourself missing at low lvl. You don't have Divine Power till later.
    Last edited by Firesmall_at; 11-28-2011 at 11:43 AM.
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  18. #18
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firesmall_at View Post
    Looks pretty good. I like it.

    I like the level ups in WIS. Some might not. I like when my blade barriers are not saved against at mid-lvl. Cometfall. Implosion... oh yeah.

    Improved Empower healing II is expensive. 4 enhancement points for a 1 pt savings. Nah. As a splash cleric your SP might be low anyway with all you can do, and you said u were willing to drink pots.

    The mana pots come in handy when you run lvl 18 quests with only 16 lvls of Cleric. No Mass Heal, so more buffed Mass Cures with metas if u have pots. Saying u have mana pots will get you invites. Just don't brag about how many you have or the other healers will pike too much.

    Try human versatility tiers 1-2. It is +3. That is like adding 6 stat points to your build for 20 seconds. It uses different action points than Class action points (Ie. does not use fighter haste boost action points). Use it for attack at low lvl to offset -5 to hit from power attack, and damage at mid-level to kick butt. Can bump up Saving throws too. Just hot key it to your e key or q key and it is easy to get to if u find yourself missing at low lvl. You don't have Divine Power till later.
    well, the enhancements are easy to redo. i like The_Great_Samulas suggestion that he posted in another thread about scroll mastery enhancements. i didnt even know you could buy mass cure scroll

    gentelman never tell how much... pots he has

    HV is great. damage boost now adds 10%/5%/5%/5% per tier(it doesn't say on info screen, but it's shown in combat log). my rogue has HV 4 and with haste boost 4 it's madness we'll probably take at least a one tier.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
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  19. #19
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    Yeah, been using pots, and with mass cure moderates with scroll mastery, I would probably get by with less mana and mana pots used for sure. I am playing with the critical smite lines tier 3s right now, but might switch to scroll mastery 2 and 3. For heal scrolls alone I did not think it was worth it (added 7 pts), but for mass cure scrolls among a party I am betting it is. They are pricey though.


    Nope. Mass cure moderate is only 30 pts with one tier of scroll mastery. Another 30% would be only 40 pts. Hardly enough for high lvl content healing? This mass critical scroll I just used was 43 pts with all tiers about 55 pts. If there was another way to boost the scrolls? I would think the min for a mass cure scroll to be effective would need to be 100 pts per scroll to keep up with damage taken?

    Guess I am sticking with my 12 cent mana pots.
    Last edited by Firesmall_at; 11-28-2011 at 02:14 PM.
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  20. #20
    Hero HGM-Chi's Avatar
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    I have a couple of questions that come out of this build as I've been considering a melee focused divine for some time now. My gut instinct in building this is that I would be totally str based, keeping just enough wis to cast my 9th level spells. With level ups into wis and a healthy amount of build points spent on wis will you not end up finding your melee pretty lackluster starting around gianthold and beyond? Won't you find yourself hardly swinging at all in favour of Divine Punishment, Implosion, Comet Fall and Blade Barrier anyhow?

    My experience so far has been a pure cleric, which is my main, totally caster focused, a melee FvS (elf with monk splash, twf scimis) that got LR'd into a pure evoker at about level 17 because even str based the melee was meh and a WF FvS that is str based and melee focused. My thoughts would be to make a cleric somewhat like my WF FvS... either human or dwarf probably, THF and str focused. Would this suck?

    Thanks in advance!

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