1. Why the change?
2. No seriously WHY?
3. Why does Raid loot, FoM, etc., etc., etc. not help with resisting it?
4. Why can creatures in the pit in foundation of discord hit targets in the other room that are hiding behind walls/around corners/etc.?
5. Why can a gong block my spells but not the earthgrab?
6. Why?
I know fanbois, start flaming me (and Neg repping me if i hadn't disabled it due to rampant abuse and a seriously flawed system but I digress...) but I am serious. What was the thinking behind making this SPELL unstoppable? It was WAI for several years we thought. How about an item or two or spell or something to counter it? Damage and incapacitation even through walls and obstacles from LONG distances seems a LOT overpowered.