The graphics of a game is usually not really finished until a year before release. Before that developers tend to use crude models and basic textures. That way you can ensure that you have up to date graphics when it is release. So that leaves SWOTOR at 2010ish and DDO at around 05. Bringing it to 5 years.
The crafting system is a bit of a grind along with flashpoints (instanced dungeon), but only if you're willing to repeat it for gear that you'll outlevel just by re-running the instance.
I think the nice thing about crafting is that you can assign your companion to do it during downtime when you're waiting for a group to form or when a buddy has to leave the computer to go for a quick afk.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
Ofc there is rare loot. Rare - Epic - Artefact even
At cap you can run the raid (a second is in devellopment i believe) or run the flashpoints at hard mode, boosting em to lvl 50 (kinda like our epics).
Or Pvp, 3 warzones and a huge open PvP planet.
End game probably needs to be fleshed out more, but that's to be expected from a new game.
Bioware is already busy creating expansions.
Keeper Refugee
Ghallanda: Warguth, Urgan, Cinderbeard, Gizzah, Soulblight, Xantilar
I understand that, but those engines can only do but so much. The graphics design is still limited by what the engine will allow. So your suppositions that designs were "finalized" just recently still means absolutely nothing when the engine will only allow but so much.
DDO went into development two years prior to release in 06 which puts it at 04. Being that SWTOR went into development in 06/07 that would be 2 to 3 years as I have been saying from the get go. They are working with a graphics engine that is only a few years newer then DDO's.
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
Not sure I understand here, is there rare loot or not? If you can get what you want in a few runs, then it isn't rare, everyone will have it. If it takes 20 runs to get what you want, it ain't rare. If it takes 1000 runs to get what you want, it is rare... plus, it is grindy.
It actually started development the year WoW launched.
Also Token based raid loot topic: You get commendations, however the commendation vendor (You use these to trade commendations in for gear/mods) sells loot that is less powerful than the actual drops. They are good items, but the actual drops in the quest/raid are actually more powerful.
I enjoyed playing this game during the last beta weekend. I find it to be more of a game that my wife and I could just play through together.
I made it to level 25, which is a good level for healers, as a Jedi Consular Sage that specialized in the Seer(healing) tree. PvP was awesome as the healer. It was tough for 2 or less other players to kill me, but when they had 4+ on me, they'd get me.
Can't wait for December 15th. I'll definitely be supporting this game with 15$ per month, instead of a laggy/buggy DDO that constantly releases incomplete updates (ie missing items, missing drops, bugged items).
Last edited by Musouka; 12-01-2011 at 08:30 PM.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
Does it REALLY matter WHEN the graphics were made the point is theres nothing spectecular about them just like the rest of the game...its not Bad its just not good and has NO buisness using the KOTOR name
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Point is, a well designed engine will not meet that limit in a mere 3-4 years. The Source engine holds high standards even compared to today's games (Dark Messiah is a good example, still has one of the best textures seen in games).
It doesn't matter when it started, what matters is that it's 6 years later and the graphics are not spectacular. If I start developing a game today that has high-end graphics, but I don't release it till 2100, I won't be able to use that as an excuse.
Either way, graphics doesn't really matter, as long as the gameplay is good.
Well I'll be playing SWTOR, i preordered last night.
Both my accounts on DDO are FTP, so no big deal. I'll play DDO once in awhile. Maybe when they come out with Druids!