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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Post Equiping a Lvl 20 Cleric

    Any Idea's on equiping a Lvl 20 cleric would be appreciated,
    She's a full heal spec (raidiant servant) with a few offensive bits added for fun
    Also has highten, maximise, quicken, empower healing.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Head: Epic Helm of the Moraron (I know it's misspelled)- WIS+7. Only +7 WIS item in the game. Pirate Hats are good, as is the Minos.
    Neck: Lorrik's is nice. Epic Torq should be your goal.
    Trinket: Greater Cunning for SP, Greater Stalwart for HP, Litany for WIS, Epic Dragon's Eye for your Mass Heal boost.
    Goggles: Most likely GS Goggles. Possibly the Cannith goggles with Enhanced Concentration +5 if you need that. Epic Goggles of Time Sensing if you need to slot +2 exceptional WIS (though a ToD ring will work better for this)
    Cloak: GS cloak or Epic Mabar robe. Epic Chrono robe if you need CON+7.
    Body: Epic Cove plate (t3) works, Dragontouched is another alternative. Something with good DR plus a couple benefits is nice.
    Belt: ToD set for extra TU's works; so does the Epic Belt of the Moraron (same general idea as above with the Helm, it's misspelled) if you need CON+7. Consider a Cannith Crafted CON+6 belt with an LGAS if you want to slot that effect; there's not much good for this slot once you get past ToD sets.
    Bracers: Not sure. Bracers of Glacier have a good half-guard proc of Fire Shield Cold.
    Rings: ToD. Exceptional CON/CON and WIS/WIS (bases irrelevant in a way)
    Gloves: Epic Brawling works for a slot of STR if needed. Plenty of others exist if you are fine slotting STR in an augment for carrying capacity.
    Boots: Propulsions, most likely. ToD boots key, so not too much major here.

    Just my suggestions. Most likely end-end gearing. Certainly can go with less for gear; I won't be working toward most of this for my Cleric.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    I like Habreno's suggestion, and I will add: Bracers slot: Bracelet of Thaarak, for the 20 HP you'll miss by not wearing Minos Legens.

  4. #4
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    Default Thanks

    That gives me some good idea's. Thanks a lot

  5. #5
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
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    I like my crafted Tinkets: Good Luck + Efficent Metamagic of your choise.

    I wouldn't wear the brawling gloves on an healing specced cleric in endgame. I don't wear a STR-item at all. 20 minutes (40 with extend) of bulls strengts takes care of the backpack and the other 2-3 points a item would get me aren't that important.

    A easier to get equipment for a level 20 cleric:

    Head: Minos (heavy fort, toughness)
    right hand: Epic Oranmented dagger Tier2 or 3 (Arcarne lore, sup. pot VII, conentration +15, Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II, yellow slot for a spellfocus +1 (f.e. Conjuration)
    Left hand: +2 spell focus item of your choice (f.e. Evocation, Enchantment) or Con OP weapon, or shild of you choice if you have the shield mastery feat (20% damage reduction, jummy)
    Body: Dragontouched cloth with Saves +5, Healing Amp. , Enveration Guard (Ash/ works perfekt with implosion)
    Googles: ConOP with spellpoints, +5 Cha skills, +6 wisdom, +10 haggle, immunity to blindness and disease
    Gloves: Greensteel HP item with a guard of your choice, earthgrap and air are good guards with only one tier3 shard
    Tinket: Crafted Good luck +1or2, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing I or II
    Bracers: Bracers of the glacier: Archmage, Spell Penn. and fireshield (great if you don't have UMD)
    Belt: TOD belt with +6 CON and greater false life, swap in other TOD belts for Ardor and Efficency clickies)
    Cloack: Your Epic Cloack of Night
    Boots: 30% striders or TOD/featherfall/balance boots when needed
    Neck: Situational Amulets like Torc, Anti Beholder Necky, +3 to UMD
    Ring1: Any Tod Ring with +6 CHA and +1 WIS, slotted with another +2 WIS for +3 WIS total (The Cleric Tods rings suck, as you have +6 with on your ConOp, they dont have exeptional Wisdom and you loose turns when swaping a set item)
    Ring2: Anything you want, this setup is done with the above. Perhaps a Tod ring of your choice with exeptional CON

    Nothing is hard to get, all the imortant things are covered, some nice synergies (Enveration Guard + implosion + Torc + conop googles + conop weapon or shield + Aura + Healing Amp. = lots of dead mobs and a healthy cleric)
    Last edited by Jiirix; 11-25-2011 at 03:07 AM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    nice suggestions here. gotta a question also, if i use warpriest set, and swap belt for ardor 8 clickies will i loose turn atempts?

    also, except for dragon's eye, alchemical wep and tod belts, are there any more clickies with 8 or 9 devotion/ardor/potency/efficacy?
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  7. #7
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by destiny4405 View Post
    nice suggestions here. gotta a question also, if i use warpriest set, and swap belt for ardor 8 clickies will i loose turn atempts?
    Unfortunately, yes. Regardless of how many turns you actually have left, you will lose 2 more if you swap. All items that give extra Turns or extra Action Boosts have that bug.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
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  8. #8
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    My take on gear for cleric is that you will have a myriad of options - just find what best suits your style of play etc.

    Here is my gear:
    Head - Minos Legions
    Neck - Torque of Prince R (and assorted other neck items)
    Body - lvl 20 Epic Cav Plate (Cove armour)
    Back - GS HP cloak with Earth Grab guard
    Rings - ToD CHR with Ex Con and Epic lvl 20 Bucc ring (also a FF ring and Spell Storing ring for situational use)
    Belt - ToD assortment (ardor clickies, jump clickies, etc)
    Feet - Striding +30% boots with Anchor and Jump boots (not sure if these are needed anymore due to fix on Epic BT)
    Trinket - Bauble
    Eyes - GS SP Con OP (cleansed)
    Bracers - Demon Consort (love the HP proc on this, procs fairly often for me)
    Weapons - Staff of Fleshshaping/GS Con mace w/stoneskin/lvl 20 Epic Cove dagger for Concentration, and others
    Scrolls - Always carry 200 Heal scrolls and ~50 res scrolls

    I don't feel I'm anywhere near "done" for my toon at this point, but I think i'm at least comfortable with gear for my first life. Just finished 20th DQ run, nearing 20th ToD run and 40th Shroud - so I plan on TR'ing here soon anyways.

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