Any Idea's on equiping a Lvl 20 cleric would be appreciated,
She's a full heal spec (raidiant servant) with a few offensive bits added for fun
Also has highten, maximise, quicken, empower healing.
Any Idea's on equiping a Lvl 20 cleric would be appreciated,
She's a full heal spec (raidiant servant) with a few offensive bits added for fun
Also has highten, maximise, quicken, empower healing.
Head: Epic Helm of the Moraron (I know it's misspelled)- WIS+7. Only +7 WIS item in the game. Pirate Hats are good, as is the Minos.
Neck: Lorrik's is nice. Epic Torq should be your goal.
Trinket: Greater Cunning for SP, Greater Stalwart for HP, Litany for WIS, Epic Dragon's Eye for your Mass Heal boost.
Goggles: Most likely GS Goggles. Possibly the Cannith goggles with Enhanced Concentration +5 if you need that. Epic Goggles of Time Sensing if you need to slot +2 exceptional WIS (though a ToD ring will work better for this)
Cloak: GS cloak or Epic Mabar robe. Epic Chrono robe if you need CON+7.
Body: Epic Cove plate (t3) works, Dragontouched is another alternative. Something with good DR plus a couple benefits is nice.
Belt: ToD set for extra TU's works; so does the Epic Belt of the Moraron (same general idea as above with the Helm, it's misspelled) if you need CON+7. Consider a Cannith Crafted CON+6 belt with an LGAS if you want to slot that effect; there's not much good for this slot once you get past ToD sets.
Bracers: Not sure. Bracers of Glacier have a good half-guard proc of Fire Shield Cold.
Rings: ToD. Exceptional CON/CON and WIS/WIS (bases irrelevant in a way)
Gloves: Epic Brawling works for a slot of STR if needed. Plenty of others exist if you are fine slotting STR in an augment for carrying capacity.
Boots: Propulsions, most likely. ToD boots key, so not too much major here.
Just my suggestions. Most likely end-end gearing. Certainly can go with less for gear; I won't be working toward most of this for my Cleric.
I like Habreno's suggestion, and I will add: Bracers slot: Bracelet of Thaarak, for the 20 HP you'll miss by not wearing Minos Legens.
That gives me some good idea's. Thanks a lot
I like my crafted Tinkets: Good Luck + Efficent Metamagic of your choise.
I wouldn't wear the brawling gloves on an healing specced cleric in endgame. I don't wear a STR-item at all. 20 minutes (40 with extend) of bulls strengts takes care of the backpack and the other 2-3 points a item would get me aren't that important.
A easier to get equipment for a level 20 cleric:
Head: Minos (heavy fort, toughness)
right hand: Epic Oranmented dagger Tier2 or 3 (Arcarne lore, sup. pot VII, conentration +15, Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II, yellow slot for a spellfocus +1 (f.e. Conjuration)
Left hand: +2 spell focus item of your choice (f.e. Evocation, Enchantment) or Con OP weapon, or shild of you choice if you have the shield mastery feat (20% damage reduction, jummy)
Body: Dragontouched cloth with Saves +5, Healing Amp. , Enveration Guard (Ash/ works perfekt with implosion)
Googles: ConOP with spellpoints, +5 Cha skills, +6 wisdom, +10 haggle, immunity to blindness and disease
Gloves: Greensteel HP item with a guard of your choice, earthgrap and air are good guards with only one tier3 shard
Tinket: Crafted Good luck +1or2, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing I or II
Bracers: Bracers of the glacier: Archmage, Spell Penn. and fireshield (great if you don't have UMD)
Belt: TOD belt with +6 CON and greater false life, swap in other TOD belts for Ardor and Efficency clickies)
Cloack: Your Epic Cloack of Night
Boots: 30% striders or TOD/featherfall/balance boots when needed
Neck: Situational Amulets like Torc, Anti Beholder Necky, +3 to UMD
Ring1: Any Tod Ring with +6 CHA and +1 WIS, slotted with another +2 WIS for +3 WIS total (The Cleric Tods rings suck, as you have +6 with on your ConOp, they dont have exeptional Wisdom and you loose turns when swaping a set item)
Ring2: Anything you want, this setup is done with the above. Perhaps a Tod ring of your choice with exeptional CON
Nothing is hard to get, all the imortant things are covered, some nice synergies (Enveration Guard + implosion + Torc + conop googles + conop weapon or shield + Aura + Healing Amp. = lots of dead mobs and a healthy cleric)
Last edited by Jiirix; 11-25-2011 at 03:07 AM.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
nice suggestions here. gotta a question also, if i use warpriest set, and swap belt for ardor 8 clickies will i loose turn atempts?
also, except for dragon's eye, alchemical wep and tod belts, are there any more clickies with 8 or 9 devotion/ardor/potency/efficacy?
Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.
Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build
My take on gear for cleric is that you will have a myriad of options - just find what best suits your style of play etc.
Here is my gear:
Head - Minos Legions
Neck - Torque of Prince R (and assorted other neck items)
Body - lvl 20 Epic Cav Plate (Cove armour)
Back - GS HP cloak with Earth Grab guard
Rings - ToD CHR with Ex Con and Epic lvl 20 Bucc ring (also a FF ring and Spell Storing ring for situational use)
Belt - ToD assortment (ardor clickies, jump clickies, etc)
Feet - Striding +30% boots with Anchor and Jump boots (not sure if these are needed anymore due to fix on Epic BT)
Trinket - Bauble
Eyes - GS SP Con OP (cleansed)
Bracers - Demon Consort (love the HP proc on this, procs fairly often for me)
Weapons - Staff of Fleshshaping/GS Con mace w/stoneskin/lvl 20 Epic Cove dagger for Concentration, and others
Scrolls - Always carry 200 Heal scrolls and ~50 res scrolls
I don't feel I'm anywhere near "done" for my toon at this point, but I think i'm at least comfortable with gear for my first life. Just finished 20th DQ run, nearing 20th ToD run and 40th Shroud - so I plan on TR'ing here soon anyways.