I have recently hit level 20 with my sorc, this is my first character to do so, and at the moment my DC is a little low at 33 for the content I have access to.
So my question is what would be some good suggestions for some of the first few DC boosting gear items i could shoot for, specifically what are items that are in reach given that I can only run quests where a DC of 33 is viable. I'm finding a little bit of a paradox at this level of play: In order to run epic quests, you have to have epic gear/in order to get epic gear you have to run epic quests. I have done a lot of reading in these forums, so I do have the basic idea, and I know about some of the gear that is out there, I just feel that a lot of it is out of reach ATM. A little background:
my DC is from:
first life drow
plain old +6 charisma ring
evocation focus feat
3 tiers charisma enhancements
greater evocation, enchantment and necromancy focus weapons that I swap out as needed. thats all I can think of ATM (on a break from making pies for thanksgiving)
So probably I need +7 charisma and ex. charisma items.
I am FTP, I have the vale, menachturan, shavarath, gianthold, necro 4, phiarlan carnival, and whatever the packs are that have HOX, chrono, and devil assault. Again all I can think of ATM but I think that's it
I do have epic ornamented dagger and both robe and cloak from the mabar event.
some items i'm thinking about getting: the calitomes set, and epic helm of frost. Any better suggestions?
A couple of notes:
I really would like to stay away from slotting charisma/ ex. charisma in a weapon slot- I rely too much on being able to swap out weapons
I do plan to TR soon, I would just like to get some things banked first to make the next life more fun.
I got going on learning about DCs in the first place when I hit amrath for the first time and was shocked at how hard it was. I ended up getting sort of obsessed with the place, (partly because its such a cool zone) and as a result its put me on this path of trying to get my character viable for it. After 3 blood of dragons, inumerable enhancement resets, and many feat swaps, I finally got to where I can survive in there, although I burn through my 2500ish spell points pretty fast, so there is probably much room for improvement.
thats all... I think... so whats my next step?