Word Up Cannith !! Its your neighborhood friendly Wizard here again !! Just want to give a shout-out to everyone who participated in my Evon6 this evening...First run was a fail....Second run was freaking so0o smoo0000ooth !! 18min Completion, 0 Deaths Great Job to all who came and beat down that big meanie !! Im really enjoying see the caliber of some of the people im beginging to attract. AWESOME JOB !! We got totally screwed on the loot aspect, but it was some good fun recollecting ourselves after a devastating loss in the first round, just to come back and show the silly dragon who is really in charge !! I just thought it would be nice to give props to all who deserve it !
Gonna TRY to run abbot on Thanksgiving at some point before the turkey gives me the ole 1-2 KO Punch. Hope to see some of you c0ol cats there.