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1a. I agree that hitting it even when it's not needed is not wise. There are times I see the damage isn't coming, so I'm pausing to hit mass heal again. But, as sirgog said, even WITH overhealing you're STILL more efficient than cures.
2a. I have no problem with your build. You do what you want. I doubt any raid party is EVER going to dis you for your large SP pool. But, I built to be a divine caster. That meant maxing wis. So, my sp is more like, 2750ish. (32pt build) I'm real comfortable with that amount. If I can't get shroud done with 2700, then someone is doing something wrong I think.
3a. I don't know the numbers for sure, but when you're rockin a sup. brilliance clickie, critting on DPs, you're in range for your archon, AND you have a melee championed to get light vulnerability procs, you're contributing a truckload more than 50dps. I'm not going to compare it to a full barb or something, but it's substantial I think.
I understand your idea of ending with 1k sp. I just don't agree. SOme of that should be used to "punish" Harry if possible. That's just my op obviously.
BTW, I ran a hard shroud last night and we were down 2 major DPS on part 4 (one early death, and one DC which was Axer rocking his sick barb with eSOS) We still owned harry without too much trouble and I think I had 500ish sp left. I was keeping my DPs up and pretty much only using mass heal. except for blade transition times or whatever. It took us about 1.3 rounds give or take. Part 5 was similar but I had maybe 300-400sp left. Only 1 death (bard). I'm real comfortable with that. But, I'm just one dude.