Wanting to find a ac build that has evasion and high saves that can do dmg
I would like it to reach at least 70 ac unbuffed and around 110 full buffed with gear
Please send me your thoughts
Wanting to find a ac build that has evasion and high saves that can do dmg
I would like it to reach at least 70 ac unbuffed and around 110 full buffed with gear
Please send me your thoughts
You're most likely looking at a pajama wearer...18 pali/2 monk or a 12 pali/6 fighter/2 monk. There are derivations of each but those are the basic splits. There should be plenty of builds scattered throughout the forums. You just need to search and compare.
Tanks are big heavy things with armour on them.
Ergo the description fits your high hit point, high AC, high DR,. high hate,intim build better.
Stalwart Defender has enjoyed a real big boost with the recent updates and 100 AC with a 1000 hit points is quite acheivable.
If you need evasion then you are splashing 2 rogue/Monk. Limited to light armour..i would check out something like a 12 kensai/6 rgr/2 whatever combo..and probably TWF..getting AC as high as you require will end up nerfing the build somewhere else.
I would suggest a DPS/high heal amp approach
I dont want a fighter i want to achieve it by pally monk rogue i just need a good starting status ect.
These will need a lot of grinding for gear.
and my Pally/Monk