I've pretty much reached the boiling point with these dang forums and thought I should ask about this instead of continuing to suffer through it thinking they might change sometime.
Is anyone else getting logged out if they don't constantly post? I'm sitting here logged in, reading a thread, I go to make a reply to it and am brought to a Login screen. I login, then it blinks and brings be back to the SAME login screen except my username/password are blanked out. I enter it in a second time and I'm logged in, but now it doesn't know what thread I was in and i'm back to the main forum page.
I have to constantly navigate, constantly login...twice.. It's pretty frustrating.
So with these new forums, is there some control panel somewhere that I'm not seeing that has some settings that will make it so that I can log in ONCE for at least 15 minutes worth of reading before it logs me out again. And on top of that, is there something I can do so that when I log in I only have to do it once and it will remember what thread i'm trying to reply to??????