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  1. #1
    Community Member seobanio's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default WTS: lots of handwraps, WTB: DOD

    WTB: DOD, also interested in hearts of wood. Have lots of things to trade in return.

    For the handwraps I'll take plat/larges/etc. We can make a deal.

    I've been collecting handwraps since I started playing ddo in anticipation that one day I would have a monk. Now I do have one... but I have way too many wraps. So, in the hopes of cleaning out my mules, here they are:

    +4 Acid of Greater Elemental Bane, RR: Warforged ML: 12
    +3 Banishing of Stunning +2 ML: 16
    +5 Crippling of Stunning +10 ML: 20
    +3 Flaming Burst of Disruption ML: 18
    +1 Force Burst of Smiting w/ Tiny Slot ML: 18
    +1 Force of Improved Shattermantle w/ Tiny Slot ML: 12
    +4 Frost of Stunning +10 ML: 18
    +1 Flaming Burst, Frost of Pure Good ML: 6
    +2 Frost of Smiting ML: 14
    +4 Ghost Touch of Stunning +10 w/ Tiny slot ML: 18
    +2 Ghost Touch of Purge Good ML: 6
    +1 Holy Burst of Stunning +10 ML: 18
    +2 Holy Burst of Stunning +8 RR: HalfOrc ML: 18
    +5 Holy of Destruction ML: 20
    +1 Impact of Smiting ML: 14
    +2 Improved Cursepewing of Improved Shattermantle ML: 20
    +2 Maladroit of Disruption w/ Tiny Slot ML: 18
    +4 Metalline of Bleeding ML: 18
    +1 Paralyzing Handwraps ML: 12
    +3 Seeker +2 of Shatter +2 ML: 8
    +5 Shock of Smiting ML: 20
    +5 Shocking Burst of Sneak Attack +3 ML: 18
    +3 Shocking Burst of Disruption ML: 18
    +5 Shocking Burst of Pure Good ML: 14
    +2 True Law of Bleeding ML: 6
    +1 Vicious w/ Festival Frost ML: 4
    +4 Vicious of Stunning +10 ML: 18
    +2 Weakening of Enfeebling ML: 12
    +1 Seeker +10 of Maiming ML: 12
    +1 Shock of Improved Destruction ML: 12
    +1 Flaming Burst of smiting ML: 14
    +2 Paralyzing w/ tiny slot ML: 12
    +1 Anarchic Burst of Backstabbing +3 ML: 14
    +3 Holy of Disruption ML: 18
    +4 Flaming of Disruption ML: 18
    +5 Thundering of Smiting ML: 20
    +2 Force Burst of Disruption ML: 20
    +4 Thundering of Smiting ML: 18

    Its possible I missed a pair that I'm going to keep, IDK. Vasska is my handwrap guru so I'll have to ask him. Also, I'll have to ask him on what to charge for stuff. I know some of its nice but some not very good at all.
    Zaxza Sorc, Xexa FvS, Zaxa12/6/2 Fight/Rog, Xexasaurus Monk
    A Tribe Called Zerg

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    interested in the

    +4 metal of bleeding
    +1 Flaming Burst, Frost of Pure Good ML: 6

    and also hit me up in game ill run some cursed to get you a dod. i love that quest.

  3. #3
    Community Member seobanio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Hey Yogo,

    Sorry I posted this and then never checked it.

    You can just have the metal of bleeding GUILDIE. But on the others apparently I failed my BTC check because I bound those handwraps awhile ago. D'oh.

    I mailed them to Yogo... Idk what your monks name is and I was too too lazy to figure that out.

    Also... random question. I have some adamantine handwraps. I was gone during the LOB update and want to start running it. What should I craft on them? Or is something else better?
    Zaxza Sorc, Xexa FvS, Zaxa12/6/2 Fight/Rog, Xexasaurus Monk
    A Tribe Called Zerg

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