Is anyone currently doing raid training for new players on Ghallanda?
Is anyone currently doing raid training for new players on Ghallanda?
Join a raid. Tell the party leader "Hey, I have never done this raid before"
You will more then likely take some flak. grin and bear it.
Balmudo - Defro - Hoka - Kenicki - Mato - Skag - Slob - Smokestone - Uffta - Wiyaka
read about the raid, show you have done some research, link them a dr bypassing weapon/s (if you are melee), show them that you are as ready as any newb could ever be
we'll help most of the time, any shroud that says "looking for arlos" will help ya learn the run
Best thing to do for yourself is read up on the quest in forums so you have an idea of what you might expect in each section.
Do tell the leader of the party that it is your first time run.
Most everyone I've met on this server while doing Shroud is extremely helpful and can provide you with advice on what your class character should be doing in each section.
As others have said, just join a lfm and make sure you tell the party it's your first time. I've never seen anyone been treated badly because of it, quite the contrary in fact.
Unlike others though I wouldn't suggest you to go read a bunch about it beforehand. While you definitely want to listen while in the raid and do as told, being in there and seen it first hand for the first time is quite a fun experience. I still remember when on my first run I was told "oh and btw, you will appear in a room by yourself and will need to solve a puzzle" and thinking: wait, what? a puzzle? hey I've never seen it before, I don't know how to solve it! what do I do? what do I do?!?
Then of course, I did as told and was rescued lol
Enjoy your first time, it'll be fun.
Server: Ghallanda
Characters: Lewing 20 Fighter, Lewinn 18 Bard/2 Fighter, Lewktgul 12 Barbarian, Lewiv 20 Wizard, Lewrak 12 Cleric, Lewyin 20 Monk
Lol Lew, yeah I remember my first time puzzle. It's helpful if you practice with the puzzle solver. There's an app for it on the phone so you can practice.
if you see an lfm by angilt, hobgobblin, or hauteur - run away screaming!
as long as i get `1 to two healers, and someone that casts haste, i take anyone.
My one warning, if you run with me, my first question is "Is there anyone new in the raid?"
If you dont speak up then, I will make fun of you every time i see you!
Over the years, my strategy has been to send a tell to the leader before I hit the LFM for a raid I don't know well. Almost always, I get an immediate invite and lots of good advice. In the couple of times I was turned down, I figure it was probably better that way.
Shroud gets run so often compared to other raids that it should be fairly easy to get into a raid that is williing to help out. As the others have said, just make sure the leader knows you are new.
Please for the love of Bowser, when you run this raid in part 3 in the center there is a statue that has water coming out of it going into a pool. Please run up either side and hover your mouse over it when it changes double click the statue then proceed to run your newly acquired water to a puzzle that has been solved and place the water into the fountain by double clicking the statue there that does not have water coming out of it.
Running water is not hard, infact you've been doing this for the last 16-19 levels in other quests where you brought yourself from point a to point b.
If you feel you can't run water please /death and return when you feel as if you can accomplish using using the movement keys and can double click.
Keeper of Keenbean's Heart