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  1. #1
    Community Member harrisonfear's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default PID required for dndclient.exe*32

    Can some one tell me the PID for the two following Processes. So I can launch an investigation into these apps.



    The reason is I am sick of tired of systems not responding which freezes the game. These freezes are caused by the leaks. This is one undefined error they should patch/fix/debug when they bring the servers down.

    In the world of Evolution New is suppose to be better, except for the programmers you have running this thing.

    Myself I am a programmer & a techie from the dinosour age, who has kept up with technology as they require my services to fix the real problems and not use some lame excuse, which they offen blame on hardware or Uncle Bill.

    Fix it even if you have to pay for it and I'm not talking rupee's here.

  2. #2


    PID are per system so we really can't tell you what they are.


    bring up task manager.
    go to processes tab.
    view->select columns.
    checkmark "PID".

    This way you can see what your identifying numbers are.

    BTW, the leaks may not be caused due to Turbine's programing, but in how registry setup with directX is. We, the users, haven't been able to 100% say for certain on that yet.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by harrisonfear View Post
    Myself I am a programmer & a techie from the dinosour age, who has kept up with technology as they require my services to fix the real problems and not use some lame excuse, which they offen blame on hardware or Uncle Bill.
    This is what confuses me. If you've actually kept up like you claim, how the heck can you not know how to find out what the PID is? Unless you've avoided windows like the plague and actually don't do any tech work in that OS region, in which case all the junk you can spout won't help you.

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