If you are a monk, you have evasion anyway - you take the feat for the bonus unarmed die step.
If you're not a monk the 1/rest 20 sec evasion is really really really really sub-par. How about 3/ rest?
If you are a monk, you have evasion anyway - you take the feat for the bonus unarmed die step.
If you're not a monk the 1/rest 20 sec evasion is really really really really sub-par. How about 3/ rest?
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
At least there's an incentive to take the feat as the original class, which isn't the case in many of the past life feats.
Paladins get a +2 Heal and a Divine Favor that doesn't stack.
Rangers get a +2 Spot and Bark Skin that doesn't stack.
Clerics get a +2 Heal and a minor heal clicky.
FvS get a +2 Diplo and an AVenging Light clicky.
Sure, these feats are nice for another class, usually Fighters since they have feats to burn. But they do nothing to make the original class want the feat at all. Compare that to the casters and rogue past life feats, and yes the monk past life feat.
I think the Past Life feats need to a pass over, but the Monk one isn't where the Devs need to start. Although it does appear they are slowly doing a pass over on these feats, but they seem to be focusing on the ones that people pick already Barbarian and Wizard...So maybe Monk is next in line, since Rogue and Monk are the other past life feats that people tend to build around.
I’d rather see Unarmed combat in DDO become more robust and work more like it does in D&D. Remove the centered requirement from Unarmed Strike, (Centeredness should only be a requirement for Flurry of Blows) let Disciple of the Fist work as a substitute version on Unarmed Strike with a damage die increase instead.
How this would work:
Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike - This feat allows you to use the Unarmed Strike animations when you are unarmed or using handwraps. Base Damage for Unarmed Strikes is 1d3; Crit on a 20. Monks automatically get this feat for free at level 1, The feat is also on the Fighter Bonus Feat list.
Feat: Flurry of Blows - While centered (unarmored, unencumbered, and wielding monk weapons), you get an increase to your attack bonus, and more of your attacks will successfully strike your opponent as a result. This attack bonus increase starts at 1 (at level 1) and increases by 1 for every four additional monk levels. If you are wielding no weapons or handwraps this feat will increase your base Unamred damage die based on your monk levels.
Feat: Past Life - Disciple of the Fist - This feat acts like the Improved Unarmed Strike Feat. Your base damage increases to 1d6. If you possess the Flurry of Blows feat it increases your base damage die by 1 step.
Edit: I should probably add in how this would affect Stunning Fist…
Feat: Stunning Fist - Changes: gains a 30 second cooldown. If the user does has the Flurry of Blows feat gains a special second cooldown timer that is reduced to 6 seconds if they have a positive amount of ki.
Last edited by QuantumFX; 11-19-2011 at 01:55 AM.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
I vote for longer evasion duration. Then it would benefit other classes.
On the other hand, I wouldn't trust on it even if it was 5 minutes. Maybe 10 mins or until rest/die. Much easier to multiclass with a couple of rogue levels to get permanent evasion.
And evasion needs reflexs as well. Nobody benefits from evasion if he doesnt have decent reflex save and fill the other requirements for evasion.
Last edited by Templarion; 11-19-2011 at 04:08 AM.
I really hate to being playing devil's advocate here, but 20 seconds seems fine since it's the same length of Skill Boost, Human Versatility and, I believe, Acrobat's Showtime. Also, if you want use from Evasion, you should be building for the Reflex save anyway.
As I stated above, at least part of this feat helps the base class, which is better than some of the other classes got.