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  1. #1
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Default Imminent TR, please double check build

    So I'm about to TR my monk and want to get feedback on this build. I expect to spend quite a while at level 20 (until dual ToD rings are acquired at least) so end game performance is important. Eventually I will TR back into monk.

    Concept/Goals: Unarmed rogue build with a balance between CC and DPS.
    Class: 18 rogue / 2 monk
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Multiclass progression: 1: Rogue, 2: Monk, 3-7: Rogue, 8: Monk (for 11 ranks in concentration), 9-20 rogue.

    Stats and Race (34pt build): Half-Elf
    Str: 43 (16 base +1 fighter +1 adaptability +5 levels +2 tome +7 item +3 exceptional +2 rage +4 madstone)
    Dex: 27 (15 base +2 tome +6 item +2 wind stance)
    Con: 26 (14 base +2 tome +6 item +2 rage -2 wind stance +4 madstone)
    Int: 24 (12 base +2 tome +7 item +3 exceptional)
    Wis: 30 (14 base +2 tome +7 item +3 exceptional +2 alchemical)
    Cha: 16 (8 base +2 tome +6 item)
    32/36 point build: Drop int to 10 for a 32 point build, raise int to 14 for a 36 point build
    Ability increase every 4 levels: All in strength.

    Skills : Concentration, Balance, Bluff, Disable Device, Search, Open Lock, Move Silently, UMD, Spot, Tumble (1), left overs in Hide and Diplomacy

    Feats (by level): Two Weapon Fighting (1), Half-elf Dilettante: Fighter (1), Toughness (3), Power Attack (6), Improved Two Weapon Fighting (9), Stunning Blow (12), Improved Critical: Bludgeoning (15), Greater Two Weapon Fighting (18)
    Feats (monk): Stunning Fist (2), Improved Sunder (?)

    Enhancements (Rogue): Assassin III (8), Sneak Attack Accuracy IV (10), Sneak Attack Training IV (10), Damage Boost II (3), Move Silently II (2), Hide II (2), Subtle Backstabbing I (1), Haste Boost IV (10), Extra Action Boost II (6),
    Enhancements (Monk):
    Enhancements (Half-Elf): Versatility III (6), Adaptability: Strength (2), Fighter Strength I (2), Strategy: Stunning Blow II (3), Strategy: Sunder I (1)


    13 points left.
    Still need:
    Wand and Scroll Mastery (1, 3, 6, 10)
    Wrack Construct (2, 5, 9)
    Tier 2 of each.

    5 points left.
    Racial Toughness II
    Monk Philosophy (for +5 HP or numerous other possibilities)
    Monk Wisdom I, Greater Adaptability: Wisdom (for +1 stunning fist DC)
    Rogue Dexterity I (for an even score)
    Versatility IV
    Strategy: Sunder II

    Head: Epic Helm of Mronaron/Undying Gaze (+6 sunder)
    Gloves: Epic Brawling Gloves (have)
    Cloak: Epic Cape of the Roc (have non-epic ...)
    Boots: Madstone Boots (have)
    Trinket: Unsuppressed Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (have), Epic Spyglass
    Bracers: MinII GS HP Bracers (+45 HP, heavy fort, +5 protection, +6 constitution skills)
    Belt: Epic Spare Hand
    Necklace: Shintao Cord
    Goggles: Epic Time Sensing Goggles
    Armour: Epic Frozen Tunic (toughness), Epic Illusionists/Diabolists Robe (for assassinate)
    Ring1: Epic Ring of the Stalker
    Ring2: Kyosho's Ring (holy burst)
    Weapons: various wraps, may craft an EMG, air/water alchemical handwraps

    Toughness slotted in frozen tunic
    GFL may have to be slotted

    Assassinate: 10+18+7 int+2 EMG+2 yugo/ship=39
    Stunning Fist: 10+10+10+5+10+2+2 yugo/ship=49
    Stunning Blow: 10+10+5+16+2+2 yugo/ship=45
    Improved Sunder: 14+5+16+1+2 yugo/ship=38 (44 with undying gaze equipped)
    HP: 20 base +108 rogue +16 monk +160 con +23 toughness +20 racial +30 GFL, +20 toughness +10 draconic +45 GS +40 double madstone +40 yugo +20 ship = 20+108+16+160+23+20+30+20+10+45+40+40+20=552
    (-double madstone-yugo=472 which is fine. Did I miss anything?)

    Some questions:
    Half-elf as racial choice? Slightly less DPS than halfling or half-orc maybe but much better tactics. Slightly more DPS than dwarf/warfoged but not quite as good at tactics. Seems a nice compromise.

    Gear? I'm not the best at gear, any suggestions are welcome ...

    Enhancements? Super tight. I'm not sure if other races would have an easier time with enhancements? I'll probably swap in Wrack Construct III at the cost of Stunning Fist DC while running LoB and then swap back when back to doing epics.
    Last edited by wax_on_wax_off; 12-09-2011 at 07:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    So I'm thinking that I'll take dilettante: cleric and then swap it to fighter at level 12 for stunning blow enhancements or maybe earlier if the self healing is fine and I want the +1 strength.

  3. #3
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    Might want to research further, but i do believe assassin 3 vorpal effect might be bugged on unarmed, same with assassinate with certain types of wraps, that im not sure which. Since your obv getting max ranks umd anyways might look at dwarf as an option for the direct tactical beef. if assassin 3 is in fact still bugged with unarmed you could think about going 6 ranger to open up option of a nice viable ranged burst DPS, or 6 fighter for higher tacticals/toughness enhancements and str enhancements. Also the ranger/fighter 6 builds will open up option for more tactical feats inc imp sunder/trip
    Last edited by jeremyt; 11-18-2011 at 10:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    So I'm thinking that I'll take dilettante: cleric and then swap it to fighter at level 12 for stunning blow enhancements or maybe earlier if the self healing is fine and I want the +1 strength.
    Cleric dilly isn't really all that useful (it still has some minor uses, but nothing super important) before the last tier at 15.
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

    Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
    WanderLust EuroTrash

  5. #5
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    I am in the 19/1 camp. I know you are keen to go 18/2, so not much I can add. Maybe if you could squeeze to more points into cha and eat a +3 tome, then pala dilly, other than that maybe helf not optimal.

    Good luck

  6. #6
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    The 16 strength/14 wisdom split seems weird, and so does cleric dilly. Rogues get full ranks on UMD, and you can easily get the UMD gear before TRing. You can even take the skill focus feat at level 9 or 12 and swap it out at cap.

    The concept looks cool. I don't think it will do as much DPS as a full str pure rogue with the capstone, but it should be close enough that you won't notice.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  7. #7
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    The concept looks cool. I don't think it will do as much DPS as a full str pure rogue with the capstone, but it should be close enough that you won't notice.

    The theory is that you attack faster with handwraps, so getting more attacks. Discussed in more depth in Black Lotus build thread:-

    Oh and its flavour! ;-)

    Think missing out on the extra backstab damage at 19 is a mistake but Wax disagrees.

  8. #8
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    The 16 strength/14 wisdom split seems weird, and so does cleric dilly. Rogues get full ranks on UMD, and you can easily get the UMD gear before TRing. You can even take the skill focus feat at level 9 or 12 and swap it out at cap.

    The concept looks cool. I don't think it will do as much DPS as a full str pure rogue with the capstone, but it should be close enough that you won't notice.
    Cleric dilettante is only until I take stunning blow (level 12). Even with full UMD without it I wouldn't be able to use cure mod/bulls/owls/aid wands at level 3. Sure, I could use potions but that isn't putting to use my wand and scroll mastery (on cure) and wands are cheaper.

    What is peculiar about the 16 str/14 wis split? Even previous musings of this build I've either dumped int down to 8 to get 16 wis or dropped str to 15 for 14 starting int.

    Quote Originally Posted by Emizand View Post
    I am in the 19/1 camp. I know you are keen to go 18/2, so not much I can add. Maybe if you could squeeze to more points into cha and eat a +3 tome, then pala dilly, other than that maybe helf not optimal.

    Good luck
    What feat would you give up to go 19/1? Would you not mind the lack of self sufficiency/soloability from losing the bonus points of DC on stunning fist by giving up fighter dilettante? Including the loss of monk wisdom I it's possibly a loss of 3 DC on stunning fist, is that not valuable?

    DPS wise, I expect the build to amazing vs low fortification targets (though not quite as good as a pure assassin) but as fortification increases the advantage of being pure vs using handwraps decreases. Then the 10% attack speed and full offhand strength mod starts to look very attractive.

    There is a lot less flavour in this build compared to a mechanic or acrobat.

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