Once upon a time life was good. I was going to roll a 14/4/2 bard/rogue/fighter and i would have been a happy halfling. (I was thinking about going human instead and get oversized TWF, but probably not since i don't really need it)
But then I did some more raiding, lord of blades and hard tods, after the update, and I realized I do want my 15th bard level to get the +4 AC song
So I need to drop either my 2nd fighter level (free feat) or my 4th rogue level (haste boost II, 10% threat reduction, 3 sneak damage) for that.
I don't like to do either, but for raiding I think it's better, so I worked out the possibilities.
When missing the 2nd fighter level I'd either have to drop khopesh specialization and get a -4 tohit or go human... so I worked that one out as a human, gaining all the humanly benefits like healing amp.
When missing the 4th rogue I'm free to go halfling and get the halfling damage enhancements to make up for the damage loss, better reflex saves, and heroes companion IV for the main tank while raiding.
Halfling (2 Fighter \ 3 Rogue \ 15 Bard)
Hit Points: 320
Spell Points: 448
Fortitude: 15 // Reflex: 20 // Will: 11
Abilities Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 20)
Strength 17 -2race+5level+3tome+1fighter = 24
Dexterity 14 +2race+4tome+1enh = 21
Constitution 18 +3tome = 21
Intelligence 9 +3tome = 12
Wisdom 8 +3tome = 11
Charisma 8 +3tome = 11
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III
Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III
Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song IV
Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II
Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Halfling Cunning III
Enhancement: Halfling Guile III
Enhancement: Halfling Hero's Companion IV
Enhancement: Halfling Luck (Reflex) III
Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II
Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I
Enhancement: Human Versatility I
Human (1 Fighter \ 4 Rogue \ 15 Bard)
Hit Points: 336
Spell Points: 468
Fortitude: 13 // Reflex: 18 // Will: 10
Abilities Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 20)
Strength 17 +5level+3tome+1human = 26
Dexterity 16 +4tome +1enh = 21
Constitution 17 +3tome +1human = 21
Intelligence 9 +3tome = 12
Wisdom 8 +3tome = 11
Charisma 8 +3tome = 11
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III
Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III
Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song IV
Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery III
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost II
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
Enhancement: Rogue Subtle Backstabbing I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
Enhancement: Bard Warchanter II
Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II
Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I
Enhancement: Human Versatility I
Halflingfighter: +3 sneak tohit // +3 sneak damage
Humanrogue: +1 damage // haste boost II // subtle backstabbing 10%
Halflingfighter: +3 reflex save (+2 fort, +1 will), making generally buffed reflex 39 instead of 36
Humanrogue: +16 HP // 30% base amp
Halflingfighter: Heroes Companion IV
Humanrogue: 20 SP // WarchanterII songs // Uncanny Dodge // 18 balance, 21 jump (instead of 4 balance, 4 jump)
Halflingfighter: oooh looks like a tiny cute halfling
Humanrogue: no really, these differences are all that matter to me, things like -2 STR for halflings and the free human feat are already taken into account
Does anyone have advice on which to roll? Got all my gear, got my 20th completions done, all +3 tomes and a +4 dex ready, so i'm about to TR but suddenly unsure what to do.
The gear I will be wearing most of the time:
helmet: PirateEvent Sneak5 perform15
necklace: eTorq Wizardry6 Torq CON1
leftring: Stalker ExcSneak3 Seeker6 WIS6
belt: TODravager CON6 seeker2
rightring: TODravager STR6 STR1 STR2
trinket: Litany stats+1
cloak: eEnvenomed CON7 GoodLuck resistance5
gloves eChargedGauntlet STR6 20d6shock CHA6
bracers GS-HP-MinII 45HP FORT
goggle GS-SP-Airguard Wizardry6 150SP +6CHAskills
swapping to +4 to-hit cannith goggles after buffing
boots eCorrosion DEX6 Toughness disin. guard
Armor DT* FL30 20%amp Destruction
STR +12 // DEX +7 // CON +9 // WIS +7 // CHA +7 (making the odd naked con/dex/wis/cha even)
ravagerSet+Torq => shintaoSet+Spare Hand when stuff is immune to ravager