When I first heard about the new challenges being tested I was excited. I as always waited till they where live and I happily bought the pack to show my support for turbine and begane to explore them. Sadly I have had to accept solo is the only real option atm as it seems interest from the population in running them is low. Alot of vets dont see the items as better then thier hard earned ones and casual new comers even VIPs dont seem to inclined to explore them over sticking with the vets running raids and epics.
I was very hopeful the system like in CC would allow for fun casual solo play with decent earnings. Even my worst builds could get completion and a few extra during CC but here some of these challenges especially the high lvl ones just seem very unfriendly to solo play and thats making me once again feel why bother even playing if my time always ends up being waisted here. Im not saying even the 2nd star should be without some effort but basic compeltion for a few in some cases is still much greater effort then the reward you recieve.
For example CCrystal. Solo just getting down to the big crystal finding the needed crests and protecting that kobold is all a single players full time under best cases let alone someone scouting, guarding the line, and keeping the kobolds safe up top.
Now I know some say they where not made to be solo well waht was the point then because the last thing we needed was more force you to team with people you dont ever get along with content.
Now some are more solo friendly then others and some are more friendly to certain classes and thats fine. EXCEPT for the fact we got like 20 more kinds of collectables added to the game. WHY? To sale more ing bags sadly and thats it. Any sane game dev would of gone the route of other better MMOs and done a simple reward token system where we would be free to choose which ones to run with which toons we felt like playing at any level and then pool them up to buy what ever items we wanted.
For example the many Lifetime completionist on his last life might not have any interest in alot of the lower to mid lvl gear. Why cant he just save up challenge reward tokens and when he finally has enough to buy one of the high end items he may actually one day have real need of he can, and he can enjoy playing any of the challenges while he works towards it.
Currently for example you cant get me to bother teaming with my cleric in any challenge. the few items he can use come from challenges that are so solo unfriendly I just accept I wont ever get them and thus wont use my cleric to help others get the items they want when I am denied earning the ones I want the way I want. Spite is a dangerous feeling to create in players at as always turbine seems to like to do just that. Its why clerics dont help on alot of raids especially if they will be denied the right to roll on items they may use in an upcoming TR on the path to completionist. You want to create a strong sense of wanting to help others stop making it so we grow so embittered we dont want to help anyone right up until we leave this game for others.
Top it of with the possibly worse exploit in history of DD bringing about a feeling of why even play a game that only rewards those who abuse it and those trying to enjoy it the WAI to play. I mean even some of the worst MMO out there still will ban and ban permamently anyone who uses an exploit in a repeat way even if it wasnt stated to be an exploit. Its allowed under the ToS they can cancel an account any time for any reason and should in this case let it be known they did ban a huge chunk of accounts.
Its btw BS if they say they cant. Ive seen MMO over the years post things annually like the amount of accunts banned for illegaly gold selling, harrasment, etc as a way to show players that things are being done without pointing fingers at any individual.
Sorry ranted there abit at the end. Over all I wanted to love the new challenges but as a mainly casual and oft times solo player they are really not feeling like a good value for my money atm and that makes me feel like i wasted money. I dont like to keep putting money into something that makes me feel like I waste it.