List your coolest moments playing Skyrim here if ya want.
So far for me was last night:
I was doing my best to climb a mountain the hard way. You can kinda go up by going sideways and into nooks and crannies between rocks and gradually jump your way up mountains. Keep in mind I'm still at low levels with this specific character.
Well, after a bit of frustration and a good dose of stubborn, bull-headed persistance, I make it up to the snowy heights. I let out a big sigh, bite my lip and get to exploring. I move up another boulder, wedge my way around a narrow corner and a Dragon is sleeping right in front of me.
"Holy S%@#!!!"
Ten seconds later I'm on fire and falling allllll the way back down the mountain.
What a rush!!!
And then I laughed at myself and finally turned off the game and went to bed.
So...any other cool Skyrim moments? And please, remember to put a ***Spoilers*** if need be.
Thanks everyone.