Striding (+30%) boots of Balance +3 - ML15
Ogre Power +6 Belt of Light Fortification - ML15
Ogre Power +6 Belt of Slow Trap - ML15
Ogre Power +6 Belt of Spell Resistance(13) - ML17
Armored Bracers (+6) of Repairing +3 - ML15
Underwater Neckalce of Performing +13 - ML19
Health +6 necklace of Bluffing +7 – ML19
Tarnished Deneith Heavy Chain
Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Fearsome Outfit of Greater Acid Resistance - ML14
Deathblock Outfit of Greater Sonic Resistance - ML16
Ice Gaurd Outfit of Greater Sonic Resistance - ML12
Deathblock Outfit of Greater Sonic Resistance - ML14
Robe of Greater Sonic Resistance - ML8
Charismatic +1 Cloak of Greater Cold Resistance – ML13
Lightning Guard Robe of Greater Sonic Resistance – ML12
2 x +3 Spell Penetration VII Scepter – ML14
+1 Vorpal Kukri of Everbright – ML14
+1 Vorpal Battleaxe of Tendon Slice 2% - ML12
+3 Vorpal Greatsword of Tendon Slice 4% - RR HORC (UMD:26) – ML16
Greater banes:
+1 Keen light Crossbow of Greater Undead Bane - ML8
+4 Shortsword of Greater Reptilian Bane - ML12
+2 True Law Battleaxe of Greater Giant Bane - ML10
+4 Ice Burst Heavy Crossbow of Greater Elf Bane - ML16
+3 Seeker (+6) Shortsword of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane RR WF (UMD24) - ML14
+2 Holy Khopesh of Greater Halfling Bane - ML12
+1 Seeker (+6) Basterd Sword of Greater Vermin Bane - ML12
+2 Keen Longbow of Greater Dwarf Bane - ML10
+1 Weakening Light Mace of Greater Construct Bane – ML12
+3 Flaming Rapier of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane – ML12
+1 Ghost Touch Longsword of Greater Reptilian Bane – ML8
+1 Crippling Shortbow of Smiting – ML12
+1 Anarchic Dagger of Disruption - ML14
+2 Vicious Club of Disruption – ML14
+2 Weakening Dwarven axe of enfeebling RR Warforged (UMD 20) – ML10
Chipped Basterd Sword
1 White Dragon Scale
Varying number of essences.
Wants (in no particular order):
Ghost Touch Bastard Swords of Disruption
Metalline Bastard Swords of Smiting
2 x Silver Basterd Sword
2 x GS Bastard Sword Blank (or mats to make them)
3 x GS Khopesh Blank (or mats to make it)
Shroud Ingredients - smalls, mediums, and larges
If you see something you want make an offer.
Thanks for looking.