Aasimar for me, no question.
Aasimar for me, no question.
Karadon: Paladin [5] Mar - Jul 2006 - Aureon [EU] --- Paladin [20] Feb 2010 - June 2012 - Orien --- Paladin [21] June 2012 - July 2013 - Orien [TR1] --- Paladin [20] July 2013 - Present - Orien [TR2]
Yes this is correct, I played Paladins, even pure Paladins before Update 23!!!
Wait.... Isn't a Good Tiefling (without evil god blood) a human and a good human (with good god blood) an Eladrin?
Would like to be a Rhakshasa or tigerfolk!
Hashasheen - Ifuwantblood Yougotit - Fishwater - Stranglehold - Trampled Underfoot - Theotherone - Thirtydays Inthehole -Spanishmoon - Southbound - Gimmeshelter - Warpigs - Hotelillness
Aasimar by far, and Tiefling right behind.
Kalashtar and Shifter. Both are Eberron classics.
Btw, Psionic classses are also an important element of eberron, and the mechanics for the implementation already exist since casters already use the Power Points system instead of spell slots. So, come on Turbine, give us Psion, Wilder and the rest of the psionic classes!!!
Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
Main: Dalsheel, Paladin - Triple everything
Alts: Elralia, Wizard - Retired for now // Nesnibtan, Undecided - Currently on the TR-Train
Aasimar, hands down. A surge of paladins and clerics would be a good thing.
Why? Do we need more clerics soloing content?
Clerics were designed with more power in mind in 3.5 than in previous editions because no one wanted to play them. Adding more power to them got more players interested but still didn't get us more players who wanted to heal. Look at the threads on it now. There isn't actually a shortage of those classes; they just have the ability to be fussy on with whom they group and for what reasons.
Right now a paladin is a tank so niche already and those that make them DPS situational at least until after the enhancement overhaul. I doubt adding Aasimar would promote more paladins, they might be a better race but I'm thinking the bonus WIS would be pointless. Bonus CHA maybe but unlikely. Would also depend on race enhancements.
I would still vote for:
1) Gnomes as the remaining core class in 3.5
2) Kalashtar and Shifters as core Eberron classes.
3) Then look at Aasimar and Tieflings
they fascinate me
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Q: how do you get me to appear in a thread? A: ask a bard question! XD
Besides, isn't that a great pic of a WF Psi-Blade?? Don't they look awesome!!
Yes, if they added psionics there will inevitably be comparisons of Jedi/Psi-Blade flying around... but then, Sharn is basically Coruscant anyways...
EDIT: Or is that a Dark Elf with a GS Helm?
I would like to say Gnome's belong in the garden not the game, I mean seriously how dumb would it be to see a gnome in Giant Hold or running around Stormreach if you scale them to size based on the existing game they would be about 1 inch tall... a flea if you will a dam flea with a red pointy hat.
Dam I got Gnome on the bottom of my boot again
Taming The Shrew
Shyilo Rapid Fire/Smoothforged/Manndingo
troglodyte, most definitely. Id make such a stink that eberron would never recover
So while some outlying races having been suggested and some people hate gnomes for seemingly no reason the order of most requested is still Gnomes than Aasimar or Tiefling in 2nd or 3rd (this fluctuates) and finally in a close 4th Kobolds.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Actually, the votes for Aasimar/Tiefling should be combined... If they add one, may as well add the other for balance between the two...
Plus, they can sell them individually, or players can buy the combined pack... more money for them. And, if they time it with an adventure pack that focuses on the two (maybe something sort of like what Necro toyed with: Emerald Claw & Silver Flame)... make it so the Aasimar group is hiring to do certain things, the Tiefling group is doing the same... but you can only get rewarded by one or the other (perhaps even have favor for each side, but you can only get one side's favor due to the other not liking you if you work for their enemies?)
And, btw, gnomes suck... always have, is why they removed them as a race in 4th edition... they were the LEAST favored race of 3rd edition, and when they did polls again before 4th edition the gnomes fared the worst again...
Gnomes would not make them as much money, because despite what a bunch of people on here say, if they charged 1K TP for them, they would show up in droves for a little while, then they would disappear once the shiny wore off...
Aas/Tief's would stick around forever. they are great for favored souls, great for rogues, etc etc... they look cool and have great benefits. Plus there is 2 races then that vie with each other all the time... Turbine would have tons of benefit from making them an option in the game.