Kobold ftw! Claws for extra unarmed damage....coloured dragon pre's w/ spell like abilities....I'm thinking savant racial line, could make the kobold change colour. plz?
Kobold ftw! Claws for extra unarmed damage....coloured dragon pre's w/ spell like abilities....I'm thinking savant racial line, could make the kobold change colour. plz?
They should be highly considered and this is just the right time to introduce them.
Last edited by Gum; 11-25-2011 at 06:12 PM. Reason: details
Last edited by janave; 01-30-2012 at 06:49 AM.
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
Can I just give a negative vote for gnomes? If they get a boosted intelligence stat at least, I'd hate the fact that I would have to consider TRing my human wizard into a... *gnome* or be considered suboptimal buildwise. Oh god I hate gnomes. Don't go that route, please.
On the positive side, I'd like to see kalashtar or shifters and aasimar/tieflings (would probably go together like helf and horc did) in this order of preference, also, dragonborn would be cool but maybe not considered "mainstream" enough.
though i wouldn't even suggest such a thing until the prestige lines are done,
and the fact, you didn't put them into your voting line-up
but I would have to say OGRE-MAGI,
can't remember if they were eberron based, or version rules,
but from what I remember about them, they would make an awesome rogue or wiz based toon.
but other than that wold have to say the idea of tiefling or they're good counterparts would be a good deal of fun to play, but then so would a kobold, could just imagine a Greataxe wielding kobold going up against harry in shroud would be a riotous laugh
Mittias Drow Male Wizard 20th---- Cannith
Nisama Drow Male Dark Monk 20th --- Cannith
Rhemeir drow Male Fvs/Dottank 20th---Cannith
Lianlee TR current project 9th ---- Cannith
Alas poor Yark, I want to know him well.
After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.
Second choice: Gnoll
Also, this should be a gnome pack with some variety;
(Core) Gnome, kind of uninteresting in general, F2P
Tinker Gnome, much better stats, free to VIPs
Deep Gnome, would need some toning down but store bought or unlocked via favour
Models are easy, just make a fat halfling with a big nose. They're a core D&D race and they fit nicely with Artificer.
Kobolds. I really want to play a kobold. If they implement the class I buy it. I don't have enough only with the kobold gem of disguising from the challenges. I WANT MOAR KOBOLDS!
Choices choices choices, gads there's a lot of them.
On the one hand, Kobolds would be a very interesting addition, but apart from having a '/yark' emote, superior backwards jumping capability, and a very non-human looking skin, I don't see the appeal.
Gnomes have some benefits, but they really don't do it for me. Yeah, sure they'd fit well with the recent Arti addition, but is that really a good reason for them to be added to the game? I dunno, frankly.
Dragonborne could also be quite awesome, but the limitations of three dimensional travel in-game would make one of their coolest features... kinda suck. Also, after the FvS class had their wings clipped, I don't see the benefit. Once again, it's just a cool skin on a big frame.
The idea of doing a pack of extra-planar creatures (assimar/tiefling) strikes me as pretty awesome. We had the half-blood pack, next could be the planar pack. It's something to think about, but I don't know if it's day has come just yet.
For me, I've got to go Shifter, though I expect that it will roll out post Druid, which (if the SOTG from earlier this year is to be believed) should be some time around Summer 2012 (just in time for the end of the world).
Between now and the launch of Shifter (heck, make Shifter and Druid part of the same launch), I'd like to see 2 tier 3 PrEs on each class (can we finish Ninja Spy? or at least ONE Bard PrE, please?), and at least a serious push against the universally hated Ladder Bug? And if we're going to launch a nature pack, can we travel to Khorvaire? I mean, Druids do have their version of Mecca (Eldeen Reaches anyone?) there after all, which would be further justification for Shifters.
There are two, too small doors next to the auctioneer in house J. This makes me hope for Gnomes. Why are these two doors there?