Gnomes, because we need an int based race for game balance.....
Yeah that's it, game balance....![]()
Gnomes, because we need an int based race for game balance.....
Yeah that's it, game balance....![]()
Last edited by Failedlegend; 02-11-2012 at 12:11 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Chalk up another for Kobold!
Love the little guys!
Kobold would be fun, but I'm not really convinced about how practical it would be. Gnomes make a lot of sense to me, but they would need to be made very distinct from the other races in the game.
I guess I look at the current race list and think "This seems pretty good." because they have definite advantages and disadvantages to certain roles in the game. I think that any new race in the game should first be met with "What would have significantly different synergy with roles than the current races?" and work from there to find a race that fits that.
Last edited by Mad_ScientistsNH; 03-11-2012 at 08:45 AM.
Incorrect Eberron has always been a "melting pot" of sorts where you can see races,etc. from various "worlds" and even various editions (In the case off DDO)
Since +2Con/-2Str will make gnomes useless using tinker gnome stats (+2Int/Dex,-2Str/Wis) will actually make him pretty awesome and they would fit in perfectly with House Cannith (I actually thought Tinker Gnomes might come WITH house C).
Originally Posted by Cordovan
and I fail to see why they should as they have never been shown to be there just because people want an int race is no reason to add a alternate of a current race (by current I mean a race know to be on eberron and given information about). and yes I hate tinker gnomes always have and always will but funny I like regular gnomes.
Beware the Sleepeater
Ok let's try a different approach...first off 3.5 is the ONLY edition that had gnomes as a Non-Int race...second off +2Con/-2Str is nigh useless I'll show you.
Tinker gnomes would be useful as Rogues,Wizards,Artificers
Other Races currently hold these
Half-Orc: Fighter, Barb and some Paladins (THF Only)
Half-Elf: All and freely uses AA
Human: All
Elf: None....this NEEDS to be fixed
Halfling: Rogues, Bards, Artificers
Drow: TWF Paladins
Warforged: Wizard, Sorc, FvS
Dwarf: Fighter & Paladin Tanks
In order of amount of classes their best in (including Tinker Gnome)
H-Elf (Wins by ability to use AA on any class)
Tinker Gnome/Halfling/Warforged
Now lets look at normal Gnomes +2 Con -2Str
Artificer? Nope Human, Halfling or H-Elf are far superior
Barbarian? Con Boost is nice but not worth Str Hit and Half-Orc & Warforged have better racials for it so nope
Bard? No reall bonuses here your better off with Halfling,Human or H-Elf
Cleric? Again no reason not go Human or H-ELf
FvS? See Cleric
Fighter? -2 Str nope
Monk? -2 Str Nope
Ranger? -2 Str nope
Rogue? -2 Str less crippling than other classes but nothing really useful to offset it
Sorc? OK here he would be helpful +2 Con makes for better savant ability but Human, H-Elf or Warforged are still better for this slot
Wiz? +1 Illusion is nice but is pointless since Human/H-Elves can match that just by having a higher Int score and Warforged have the bopnus of wicked self-healing
So verdict...+2Con/-2Str Gnomes would make Ok Sorcerors and suck in everything else while tinker gnomes would be competitive as Wizards, Rogues, Artificers and a handful of Bards putting up with them of the most used races in the game.
See the thing is currently Human/H-Elf are GOOD at everything so a race needs to be GREAT at least 1 but preferably 2 or 3 classes to be chosen over them which Gnomes would not make turbine much money Tinker Gnomes on the other hand would make GREAT Artificers,Rogues and Wizards which would make Turbine alot of Money.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 03-11-2012 at 10:03 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Well technically their already in the game just not as player characters :P but having those enlarge-like SLA as a Racial would be cool. Although I'd rather see "Sub-Races" as a variable (similar to Savant) enhancement line in the racial Shield Dwarf, Gold Dwarf, Dark Dwarf,etc. (like Aeranel & Varenal for now than drop-down list in the new system) than you can just use the Char Creation screen to match whichever you prefer.
Last edited by Failedlegend; 03-11-2012 at 10:16 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan